
Author denotations: *undergraduate student and **graduate student current or former lab members

Recent Publications

2024     McDonough, Katelyn, Daniel Gavin, Richard Rosencrance, Loren Davis, Stephen Kuehn, Morgan Smith, Chantel Saban, and Ryan Szymanski. Multi-proxy Paleoenvironmental Data from Paulina Marsh Inform Human-Environmental Dynamics in the Northern Great Basin, U.S.A. Quaternary Science Advances 14:100184.

2024     McDonough, Katelyn, Richard Rosencrance, and Jordan Pratt (editors). Current Perspectives on Stemmed and Fluted Technologies in the American Far West. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

2023     McDonough, Katelyn, Taryn Johnson, Ted Goebel, Karl Reinhard, and Marion Coe. Paleoparasitology of Human Acanthocephalan Infection: A Review and New Case from Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Nevada, USA. Journal of Parasitology 109(2):65-75.

2023     Rosencrance, Richard, and Katelyn McDonough. New Collections-Based Research on the Lind Coulee Site (45GR97), Washington. In What Are We Searching For? Anthropological and Archaeological Research in the Pacific Northwest—2023, edited by D. C. Stapp and J. G. Longenecker, pp. 92-104. Journal of Northwest Anthropology Special Publications #7.

Recent Presentations

2024     Zawacki, Tyler*. Late Holocene Toolstone Use and Group Mobility at the Connley Caves, Oregon. Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

2024     McDonough, Katelyn, Perry Chocktoot, Geoffrey M. Smith, Dennis L. Jenkins, and Richard L. Rosencrance. The Traditional Nutrition Project: A Collaborative Study of Plant Foods to Understand Indigenous Foodways and Health in the Northern Great Basin. 89thAnnual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana.

2024     McCormick, Riley*, and Katelyn McDonough. A First look at the Bone, Stone, Shell, and Glass Beads from Connley Caves, Oregon. Jefferson Historical Group 46th Annual Meeting, Medford, Oregon.

2023     Hlebechuk, Aiden*, Katelyn McDonough, and Richard L. Rosencrance. Late Holocene Occupations and Cultural Chronology at Connley Cave 6, Oregon. University of Oregon Undergraduate Research Symposium, Eugene, Oregon.

2023     McDonough, Katelyn, and Madeline Mackie. Cooking Across the Continent: Overview of Pleistocene Archaeobotanical Remains and Exploration of Biases Affecting Botanical Visibility. 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Portland, Oregon.

2023     McCormick, Riley*, and Katelyn McDonough. Poster.  A First Look at the Bone, Stone, Shell, and Glass Beads from the Connley Caves, Oregon. 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Bend, Oregon.

2023     Hlebechuk, Aiden*, Katelyn McDonough, and R. Rosencrance. Poster. Late Holocene Occupations and Cultural Chronology at Connley Cave 6, Oregon. 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Bend, Oregon.

2022     McDonough, Katelyn, Dennis Jenkins, Richard Rosencrance, and Geoffrey Smith. The Roles and Research of Museum of Natural and Cultural History Archaeology Field School. Human Experience in the Oregon Great Basin: Past and Present Ways of Knowing. Bend, Oregon.