Event Category: Deploying a variety of activities and pedagogical strategies, including formative assessments.

I love this course as I feel it is a “Citizenship” class for people who live on a planet where the biggest ecosystem is the ocean. I, and the people who have worked on it, feel it gives many students taking the class for Natural Science Core Ed credit a completely new view of the […]

Students are often anxious about taking an intro astronomy course because they are largely non-science majors and may have had bad past experiences with math and science. I strive to create an environment where students feel intellectually safe. I normalize the idea that everyone makes mistakes during the process of learning, and provide students with […]

Students are often anxious about taking an intro astronomy course because they are largely non-science majors and may have had bad past experiences with math and science. I strive to create an environment where students feel intellectually safe. I normalize the idea that everyone makes mistakes during the process of learning, and provide students with […]

Students are often anxious about taking an intro astronomy course because they are largely non-science majors and may have had bad past experiences with math and science. I strive to create an environment where students feel intellectually safe. I normalize the idea that everyone makes mistakes during the process of learning, and provide students with […]

Students are often anxious about taking an intro astronomy course because they are largely non-science majors and may have had bad past experiences with math and science. I strive to create an environment where students feel intellectually safe. I normalize the idea that everyone makes mistakes during the process of learning, and provide students with […]

This is an 80 person 100 level GenEd class called Learning How to Learn Languages. Although the basic format is lecture, I try to include hands-on or interactive tasks in each class to get students engaged in positive language learning practices, and I try to be explicit about the purpose of these activities. Sometimes it […]

This course allows students to assume the roles of experts in the field by engaging with primary research and presenting it to their peers. Class size: 26 Location: Straub 154 Total seats offered: 2 Seats already claimed:   Ready to claim a seat? Tell us about yourself: Click below to find other classes that highlight […]

It is a very supportive community of learners where they help each other get out of their comfort zone and embrace (language) learning as a process. Class size: 25 Location: McKenzie 152 Total seats offered: 3 Seats already claimed:   Ready to claim a seat? Tell us about yourself: Click below to find other classes […]

It is a very supportive community of learners where they help each other get out of their comfort zone and embrace (language) learning as a process. Class size: 25 Location: McKenzie 152 Total seats offered: 3 Seats already claimed:   Ready to claim a seat? Tell us about yourself: Click below to find other classes […]

It is a very supportive community of learners where they help each other get out of their comfort zone and embrace (language) learning as a process. Class size: 25 Location: McKenzie 152 Total seats offered: 3 Seats already claimed:   Ready to claim a seat? Tell us about yourself: Click below to find other classes […]