/ PPPM 494: Leadership & Social Change – Jose Melendez (Wed)

I engage students with a pedagogical approach that bridges real-world community-based case studies to students’ experiences and content knowledge. I use this approach to provide students with a framework for interdisciplinary and integrative learning and to guide students in engaging as agents of change.

Students in this course go through the Hate & Bias Prevention and Response Toolkit training series developed by the City of Eugene—facilitators of the workshops will be a range of individuals from city employees, community leaders, and graduate students. Then students create a training module that aims to educate others on a key current event topic that has been touched on in class.

Class size: 42

Location: Lokey Education 276

Total seats offered: 6

Seats already claimed: 4


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PPPM 494 Wednesday

PPPM 494 Wednesday

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