Duck In – Claim a seat

Visit a colleague’s class to see how they implement inclusive teaching strategies, be reminded of what it’s like to experience a class from a student’s perspective, and maybe make a new friend! Consider visiting a class in a very different discipline or of a different size than yours; people are often amazed at how useful this can be:

“Seeing Mike Price adapt the same active learning principles to his large format math class that I use in my small, workshop-based writing classes gave me new ideas and perspectives about student experience and how to recognize that experience in my class planning.” –Emily Simnitt, Composition

Note that some of the class sessions are long. If your schedule does not permit you to stay for the whole class, feel free to leave during a break.


Choose a class and register to attend

  • Browse through the selection of classes faculty have generously opened. If desired, use the Select Category dropdown to filter the offerings by the inclusive practices the instructors are working to implement. Choose Select Category again to remove the filter.
  • Click on a class to see its Event page and learn more about it.
  • Register to attend by completing the form on the class’s Event page.

Duck In Celebration: Focusing on Inclusive Teaching
Friday, May 19, 10-11:30am
JSMA Papé Reception Hall
refreshments served

Duck In participants and all interested faculty, please join us to discuss the experience of opening and observing classes with a particular focus on inclusive teaching.

Do we have a shared sense of what inclusive teaching looks like in action? What teaching practices seemed especially important to participants, especially in sitting among students in a class? To what degree are these practices translatable across teaching contexts? What activities and resources are most meaningful in helping faculty envision, enact, and even, as peer reviewers, give feedback on inclusive teaching?

Events for January 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
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Asynchronous Online Course: BI 150: The Ocean Planet – Michelle Wood