Week 10: ALL DONE! :)

November 30th, 2013. I brought my best friend back to Eugene! Rachael and I flew back through San Francisco and then to Eugene. I’ve never landed in the Eugene airport before. I had no idea there was a prostitute-looking duck. I believe they are trying to claim it is an “art piece” but… Anyways, I made Rachael take a picture with it! This is my last week of class before finals, so it MAY not have been smart to fly my best friend up for the whole week before. But oh well!

I did not have the opportunity to take many pictures this week. So I’m sorry to say, but this is not my photography. I included this picture because I’ve been looking for a comforter for Robbie and I for next year for a few weeks now so I could ask for it for Xmas! (I’m asking for it for Xmas so I don’t have to pay for it myself!) I looked through hundreds of these but I finally came across one I like! So this is one of my fancy Christmas presents for this year guys 😀

November 3rd, 2013

So the main reason Rachael came up to Eugene was so that we could go see one of our favorite rap artists, Drake,  in Portland, Oregon. We bought the tickets extremely far in advance and had to rent a car to get us to Portland and everything! It became a pretty big spectacle! The drive was not too bad or anything, just two hours one way. However, I’m not sure if I mentioned that this is on a Tuesday night the week before finals… Also maybe not the smartest idea. But oh well! We got to dress up have a great time so I am more than pleased!

November 3rd, 2013. So this is Drake himself preforming his current hit song, “Hold On We’re Going Home.” The concert was incredible. The vibes from the audience were insane. Usually at huge stadium concerts like this for big artists, most people just sort of stand still. But at this concert, which was in the Rose Quarter, every single person was singing along to every word and dancing and having a great time. It was really like one big party. This was probably my favorite big concert I’ve ever been to. Drake was phenomenal live and very worth his money! He even personally acknowledged me and Rachael! That’s two famous music artists that recognized me at their shows within two weeks! WOO!  A new record!!

One last picture from the Drake concert. This is me in front of our cute little Fiat rental car. It was bright yellow with the big University of Oregon “O”  in dark green. I don’t think I’ve ever driven such a school spirited car. I’m also sporting the $70 (very overpriced) sweatshirt I bought that says, “Nothing was the same” on the front which is the title of his latest album which he was promoting. I bought the sweatshirt for Robbie’s birthday actually. Drake is his absolute favorite artist of all time. But before I wrap it up and give it to him, I wanted to wear it for a little while! So this is all for my blog entry for now. Wish me luck next week on all of my finals!

9th Week: Thanksgiving <3

Friday 22, 2013. Apparently messing with “Sleeping Drew” is now a thing… SO Friday night I hung out my friend Leah who lives in Global Scholars Hall. We had planned on going out to a party with Dalton, Kristen, and Ben. But I GUESS plans change! We ate downstairs in her dining hall (which I might add has the best food on campus) with our friend Hayden from our FIG! I ate an ENTIRE bowl of macaroni and cheese, which is very unlike me. Anyways, that night Alaska and her boyfriend David from Albany came over to Leah’s dorm and we just messed around in there all night. Leah’s roommate is essentially a reincarnation of Satan so we were actually able to have fun on Friday since she was at a sorority function. Alaska, Leah, and me are best friends now I think haha! We all seem to bond really well together and I have feel really comfortable around them. I can’t wait to move in with Alaska next year. It’s going to be a blast.


Saturday November 23, 2013 David and I went on a night adventure last night! After Alaska, Leah, David, and me all hung out again and everyone got tired and went to sleep, David and I went exploring! I’m from California as you know, and I don’t really see wildlife just walking around very often. I live in a rural area so I sometimes see the ocassional skunk or coyota but never raccoons! David and Alaska (her actual name is Kayla) are from Alaska and have WAY MORE experience with wildlife than I do. So when David and I saw this skunk he automatically became a skunk whisperer or something! He started talking to it and making it walk over to him and just hanging out with this raccoon! I had to take a couple pictures since it was such a weird sight for me! 🙂

Thursday November 28th, 2013 THANKSGIVING DAY! It’s so nice to get to fly home and be with my family if only for a few short days:)! This is a picture of my sister Kendall, my dog Max, and I at my uncle’s house. We ate there with a few cousins and my grandmother from that side. This was the first time in 19 years someone other than my dad cooked the Thanksgiving meal. Let’s just say it wasn’t the best Thanksgiving food I’ve ever had. BUT my mom bought a turkey so we could have our own family’s Thanksgiving on Friday. So I didn’t miss out completely on my dad’s cooking!

Thursday Night/ Friday Morning: Black Friday Shopping! My best friend and I from home went xmas shopping…for ourselves… on Black Friday at our favorite store! Shopping is probably one of our favorite leisure activities together. Rachael is going into the fashion industry for her career so she is always big on staying trendy and looking realll nice 😉 She always help me look my best! On Sunday she is coming home with me for a whole week! Drew and Rachael take on Eugene!

Saturday November 30th 2013, I dyed my hair red! Like.. really red haha! I haven’t dyed my hair since I was literally 14. So I thought it was time for a new change! I surprised Robbie after I got it done. We spent basically the whole time I was home together. I missed him so much, it’s just so nice to be NEXT to each other for a change instead of communicating via phone. When I was home, I found out that I won’t be coming home for the summer anymore. I will be taking summer school and Robbie and I will be moving up to Eugene early. VERY excited! Can’t wait to spend my whole summer and next year with him. It’ll definitely be different but we are ready for this step:)!


8th Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek)(@#!)@#()@(#

Saturday November 16th, 2013. I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO AN OREGON FOOTBALL GAME!! FINALLY!!! Every single time there is a free student ticket lotto thing… I lose. Every single time. WELL… I obviously didn’t lose this time! Perfect timing too since it was the last home Ducks game that I was in town for before the season ended. There is one more home game during Thanksgiving break, butttttt I won’t be here for it! Too bad too because it’s the Civil War game! This game was against Washington and OBVIOUSLY we won because we are the best! This is my friend Kristen and I in this picture making the “O,” go ducks!!

Saturday AT the Ducks game! This is the group of people that I went with and a picture of us in the crazy student section! We weren’t super close up to the front or anything but it was still a blast! However it was absolutely freezing. Luckily we didn’t get any rain or anything, so that’s a plus! But unfortunately the wind started picking up so badly, we were all miserable. We ended up leaving the game early because we were all so cold! We ran all the way home and snuggled up in sweaters in our beds and took some much needed naps after all the screaming and cheering 🙂

(Obviously the Ducks won!)

This week I went to a rally for immigration reform. The immigration laws in our country right now are extremely strict and unreasonable. Thousands of people are being transported out of the country EVERY DAY, splitting apart families. I went to this because it was an extra credit opportunity for my ethnic studies class. But I found this highly interesting. Everyone had candles lit and were crying out for reform and for their voices to be heard. It was so emotionally provoking to hear all the first hand experiences had affected these kids. I had no idea how damaging these laws were to the unity of families and esteem of individuals.

I am genuinely sorry that I post so many seflies. It just happens that way… ANYWAYS. Today, Thursday November 21, 2013 I am going to the Aaron Carter concert! Aaron Carter was a very popular pop artist from when I was really little. He is 24 now and I am 19; he was famous when he was 11-14 so I was 6-9. I literally used to dance around in my room to his music. He was my childhood crush. I had always wished his songs were written about me. When I heard he was coming back on tour and to Eugene, I HAD TO GO!! I wanted to do something crazy for the concert too so I corn rowed the side of my hair! It was NOT easy and took me about an hour, but here is the finished product!!

Right after the Aaron Carter concert at WOW Hall^

Oh my GOSH! His concert was so amazing! I pushed my way to the very very front and I touched Aaron Carter’s… package… and he asked me my name and kissed my cheek! I was the ONLY girl he kissed! And then he gave me a rose!!!! I literally had an excited panic attack, I wanted to swoon and faint. It was so magical and exciting. MY childhood crush KISSED me!! I know that sounds so childish and ridiculous! But at least I can die happy now that my childhood crush recognized me. I’m so glad he came back on tour. The venue was small and full of crazy girls and I literally have bruises covering my thighs from being crushed in between girls and the stage… BUT THAT’S OKAY! THANK YOU AARON CARTER FOR FULFILLING MY DREAMS!!!!
I may be running on pretty much no sleep, but it was all worth it.
Best week ever.

Week 7: Homework Homework Homework!

Friday November 8th, I got a late birthday present from one of my friends back home! She got me a 1990’s coloring book and some christmas underwear! She got me a coloring book because I still love to color! (although I’m now 19….) I started this habit of doing kids coloring pages whenever I get stressed out when I was maybe 13 or 14. So, essentially by the time of high school, I just started coloring a lot! I even got in trouble multiple times for bringing my coloring books and colored pencils to class and coloring during lectures, oops! 🙂 The funny part is that I don’t draw and I’m not very creative… BUT I do know how to color inside the lines of coloring pages!

Saturday November 9th, 2013. I spent both Friday and Saturday night at my friend Jaden’s house again! Her parents were gone all weekend and so were her siblings so we had the house all to ourselves! (Which I might add is so much more enjoyable after spending so much time in a small dorm room) We ate a bunch of junk food (ice cream, chimichangas, chocolates, quesadillas, etc.) and messed around all weekend! We even colored out of my new coloring book :D! In this picture we are just being silly! I’m wearing a piece of one of her old Halloween costumes and she is all wrapped up in a blanket, because it was FREEZING outside! Us California girls aren’t used to this type of weather!

This week on Monday November 11th, 2013. The Emerald, the school newspaper did a style column on me! I was really excited to do it because I take a lot of pride in my style. I always try to reflect all the different aspects of my personality in my style. So a photographer and a writer came to my dorm and did a brief interview about my style preferences and took some pictures! All of my friends heard about it too and were very excited for me! I feel really proud to have my style recognized 🙂

Tuesday November 12th, 2013. I got TWO MORE packages of birthday presents late! One was from my boyfriend and one was from my best friend. I was so so so beyond excited to see what they got me, and I was not disappointed. They both know me so well! My boyfriend Robbie got me the “baby girl” sports bra because that’s what he always like to call me and the “Ain’t no wifey” sweatshirt because I always tell him how I’m an independent woman and that I don’t need a man’s guidance to have a happy, successful life. My best friend Rachael got me the floral muscle tee, and my favorite candies: german chocolate, caramel chocolate, and Sour Patch Kids. She also got me a sticker book (because she knows how much I love my stickers) and a little book that says what she loves the most about me. I felt so special and loved getting things that I really enjoyed. I feel like my friends really know me and it’s so gratifying to have someone love and appreciate who you are so much 🙂

Although my other pictures seemed like I had a very fun happy week, I was actually extremely stressed! I had a LOT of homework to do this week AND I have ANOTHER Econ midterm! Luckily I have the midterm over with and the week is almost through. This picture is of the really scary spiders that engulf the outside of the window of the study room on my floor. I can say it’s definitely a distraction from Econ when the scary spiders inches away from you are spinning webs and acting all creepy! I mean there IS a window in between BUT it’s still horrifying! I had to go in the study room all week because my roommate is always in the room talking in her baby voice to her boyfriend on facetime, gross. So scary spider room it is………..

Week 6: Halloweekend/19th BDAY

Friday November 1st. Day Two of Halloweekend! As you can see I dressed up as an Angel and my friend Alaska dressed up as a flapper girl. Her boyfriend David came down from Albany to celebrate the weekend with her, so he dressed up to fit her theme too. The three of us met some friends at the Riley dorm next door: Kristen, Ben, Dalton, and Victoria. Little did I know that I would end up being the 7th wheel to 3 couples……. AWKWARD.

Saturday November 2nd, 2013. Third day of Halloweekend! I went over to my friend Jaden’s house again and had another sleepover! We didn’t dress up to go to any parties or anything but we DID put on these weird costumes and danced around to songs from the Lizzie McQuire movie (which probably came out when we were 10, HA!) Her little sisters video taped us and took pictures so we got this silly shot. I have so much fun when I see her, she’s one of the few people here that I really feel myself around.

Sunday November 3rd, 2013. I spent most of the day at Jaden’s. I got to have two home cooked meals in one day: breakfast and dinner! And on top of that her mom bought me cupcake mix to make funfetti cupcakes for my birthday! Their family is so sweet. Their family reminds me so much of mine. They joke and make fun of each other and talk about the same topics as my family (inappropriate ones!) The just make me feel so comfortable and at home. I wish I could see Jaden more often, hanging out with her is always my favorite part of the week. By the way, the cupcakes above are a product of the decorting skills of Drew Betts and Jaden McKeough!

November 5th, 2013. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY and I turned 19 :)!!!! I went out to a sushi dinner with a group of my girl friends! In the pink dress is my friend Kristen. Her and I got really close on Day #2 of Halloweekend. Her and Ben were the  most friendly and outgoing couple. I’ve hung around Kristen before, but I was always intimidated by her. But after we hung out during Halloween weekend, we really got closer and connected better. Leah is in the black dress and Kate is in the floral dress. It’s so nice to get along with a group of girls. It really makes me happy and feel important. I had such a great birthday and I’m so happy these girls were here to share it with me!

November 5th, 2013 my friend Alaska also went out with us! She wasn’t in our group shots though. She was downstairs waiting in the car with some other people from Barnhart when we were taking pictures. Alaska and Kristen and I met up with our other friends to go to a hookah lounge. BUT right when we got in the car Kristen realized she forgot her ID and Leah and Kate had already gone home. So it was just me and Alaska and the the boys from our building. It was really fun though! I got to know some new people on my birthday and they bought us the hookah! I really liked hanging out with them too and I want to do it again soon 🙂 I’m so appreciative of everyone making my birthday so special!




5th Week: Midterms/Halloween

October 25th, 2013 MY BOYFRIEND CAME TO SEE ME IN EUGENE!! Literally the best weekend since I’ve been here. Robbie came up on thursday on the train but didn’t get here until midday friday because it takes so long to get here. (He’s dedicated) He was supposed to leave on Saturday evening at 5:10, but for some reason we both mixed up the times and got there at 5:30, after the train left, so he stayed a whole other day!:)

This is us pretending to be gangsters in front of this graffiti. We were walking by a building near Barnhart and it just said “money.” so we decided to be silly and take some pictures in front of it. All weekend we were just playing around. I showed the campus off to him, my favorite spots around, and the town. We walked EVERYWHERE and had yummy junk food all weekend! He loves it here and can’t wait to come up again soon. I’m so glad we had a low key weekend together again and were just able to enjoy the time we had. Watching him leave was heart breaking, but I know I’ll see him when I go home for Thanksgiving. Even though it’s a month away, it’s hard to wait. I become so impatient because we are just so happy when we’re together. It’s hard being so far away from someone you love so much. The time I spent with him this weekend though made every day apart worth it.



So today is Halloween here in Eugene, (hey that rhymes) Oct. 31st, 2013. I turned in a midterm for my ethnic studies today and also took my last midterm for US history. Both were written exams, which is the type of exam I’m probably strongest at. The exams weren’t too difficult at all. In fact, I felt more prepared than anyone around me. I started studying for all my tests way in advance.  All the other kids I know in my classes didn’t even start studying until two days before, IF that. I am just so happy to have those finished! But it also means… that much closer to finals! Oh joy.

Halloween Night! 2013! Can this count as my group activity? hahah! So this is me (left), Leah (middle), and Kate (right). I was lucky enough two girls this awesome in our FIG! Leah dressed up as a teenage mutant ninja turtle, Kate as a sailor, and me as Miley Cyrus! We all decided to go out tonight together! It’s nice to spend time with new people and really click with them. I love hanging out with girls who just know how to be themselves and have a good time.

So SINCE I dressed up as Miley Cyrus, I just HAD to take a picture with Robin Thicke! At the VMAS 2013 (Video Music Awards) Miley and Robin Thicke performed his hit song “Blurred Lines,” and she twerked on him while he was wearing the Beetle Juice costume and Miley danced with a foam finger. Hence…. the picture. When I got to this party, everyone started shouting “MILEY!! ROBIN THICKE’S LOOKING FOR YOU!” And at first, I was slightly confused since I knew that I didn’t know him. When I found him, I overhead him having a conversation of how he was looking for a Miley all night to complete his outfit and I tapped his arm and said “Hi, I’m Miley and I’m here now.” It literally made his night! HA! Had a blast last night! Can’t wait for the rest of the weekend 🙂

4th Week: LET’S GOOO0o0ooo0o0o

I’m happy to report I am making friends! I’ve been so busy with homework, taking care of myself, talking to Robbie, my mom, etc. I was having trouble finding the time to go hang out with new people! It’s nice to have another girl to hang out with other than my roommate, who I absolutely ADORE, but our friendship was automatic since we live together. This is my friend Leah Jacobs, she’s also in the FIG. We are wearing pink shirts in this picture because we were going to a “pink-out” volleyball game. October is breast cancer awareness month so we show support by wearing the color pink! Additionally, I just want to say that the girls won the volleyball game! It was really exciting. I want to go to another one soon!

FRIDAY! October 18th, 2013. Taylor and I decided to go out again. All the Greek life here on campus is still on probation (5-8 freshmen girls got alcohol poisoning and parties are on hold) so all the parties we went to this weekend were just house parties. Nothing too exciting happened, except some drama between Taylor and a hall mate Brent. He offended her pretty badly, so I had to scream at him. If you make my roommate cry, you WILL feel the wrath of Drew. When it comes to girl friends, I’m very protective. Girls are sensitive, and need support!<3

So, this picture requires some explaining. I went to my friend Jaden’s house again, the only other girl from my high school who goes to the UO. I ended up actually spending the night there this weekend and I have plans to do the same next weekend! This is a picture of her little sister Bella who is 8. As I know from personal experience, little sisters LOVE to bother their older sisters. So naturally, Bella would barge into Jaden’s room every… hmm ten minutes or so! One of the times, she decided to hide behind the curtains and just stick out her face, which I thought was hilarious. So I took a picture! (While Jaden was running upstairs to tell on Bella to her mom!) HA! I love Bella 🙂

Tuesday October 22, 2013. I finished my first mid term today for my macroeconomics class! I feel really uncomfortable in that class in general. Macro econ is a sequence course which follows after micro econ, which I haven’t taken yet! The micro class was full when I was registering for classes, and my counselor said it wasn’t necessary to take micro first. But coming into the class, having taken micro first would have been really helpful. I’m probably the only freshman in this 300 person lecture, since I chose to take macro first. BUT I studied really hard for this test so I feel great about it. (That’s why I took this happy selfie). I feel like a great load has been taken off my shoulders. Next week: two more finals, LET’S GOOOOOO!

In honor of Halloween approaching, I thought that I would post this photo of a spider web that I saw walking to my first class this morning. (October 24th, 2013) The spiders here are unreal to me. They surround the windows outside of my building, which is odd to me since I’m on the seventh floor. They are always so active here, whenever I see a spider, it is always working on its web. It FREAKS ME OUT! Spiders are one of my biggest fears. Back home, the spiders are way bigger and hairier, which you would THINK I would be more scared of. But the spiders back in Clovis are seemingly more idle. They aren’t always making webs or in my face when I look out the window. The spiders in Clovis hide in little nooks and crannies outside and, for the most part, go unnoticed. Sooooo Thanks Eugene; thanks for having super active scary spiders everywhere. It’s realllyyyyyy helping me feel comfortable and well adjusted. NOT!

Stupid scary spiders.

3rd Week: I’m in it

Friday October 11, 2013. This picture shows all of Taylor and my friends from Riley, the dorm right next door. Riley is the only other dorm off campus so Taylor and I spend a lot of time there. As you may have noticed, this picture shows me in the front, taylor on the left-middle, and all the rest are boys. (Alex, John, Nico, Brandon, Danny, Adam, Troy, Cooper, and I don’t remember the last..) This is what we call our “crew.” Taylor and I usually go out with these boys to parties on the weekends. They sure know how to have a good time! They always make me feel better 🙂

This is a picture of our door decorated on Saturday October 12, 2013 BEFORE our RA made us take our penis-shaped name tags off. He said they were “inappropriate,” which I don’t necessarily understand. Our friends in Riley have penises on their doors. I don’t see why our RA is so disturbed by penis-shaped name tags. I took a good five minutes making those nicely shaped name tags. At least Taylor and I got a picture with the door before the “inappropriate parts” had to be taken down. We still kept them, they are just inside our room now! HA

This is a picture of my dog Max. She’s a girl with a boy name, like me. I decided to include a picture of her this week since I’ve been missing her so much lately. I actually have 6 dogs back at home (Max, Cubby, Tyson, Riley, Drake, and Tramp) but Max is MY dog. Halloween is getting closer so my mom put her Halloween costume on early to make sure it still fits! She is a little butterfly 🙂 I miss her so much, it’s slightly odd. I’ll see a dog around campus or something and go crazy; I’ll have to go and pet it. And as soon as I do, I walk away with an empty feeling. I spent every day hanging out with my dog over the summer. I just hope she remembers me when I go home.

October 14th, 2013. Today is an uneventful Monday so I decided to take a selfie walking home. This picture reminds me of fall in general. The leaves are changing color here and it’s already as cold as it is in the middle of winter back home. I’m not used to wearing so many layers of clothes! For my birthday, that happens to be coming up in November, I’m asking for more sweaters. I definitely was not properly prepared. Someone informed me last week that this winter is going to be extremely cold, and that it WILL snow a lot. Last time it snowed in Clovis, I was in elementary school and by the time I ran outside it had stopped.This will definitely be a new experience for me. Hopefully I can make it through okay. It was 46 degrees outside today at noon, yikes!

Today: Wednesday October 6th, 2013 Robbie had roses sent to my dorm. He had Taylor in on it with him and helping him out. This is actually the first time he’s ever slightly surprised me. He is really bad at surprising me usually, because I know when he is lying. He is a terrible liar ha! But it was easier for him to get away with a surprise since I wasn’t actually with him. He is better at lying from 650 miles away! I miss him so much. I bought Robbie a train ticket so that he could come visit me. He will be here next friday after my last class and I can’t wait to see him!

This weekend is the second home game since we’ve been in school. It’s also homecoming/ parent’s weekend. This has been a long week and will an even longer weekend!


Week 2 and going strong! Had a great weekend out with Taylor on Friday and Saturday and TJ joined us for the second night, October 5th, 2013. We made a group of friends in the dorms nearest to us. Taylor and I live in Barnhart, which is one of the two dorms off campus. We are about 10-15 walking distance from campus. Riley is the other dorm building that is closest to us and that’s where TJ lives. I met tons of people this weekend actually, which makes me feel so much more comfortable here in Eugene. Walking to school every morning becomes so much easier when you run into friendly faces along the way.

Today, October 6th, 2013, my father finished his 15th marathon! Just so we are clear, a marathon is 26.2 miles. To say I’m proud would be an understatement. It’s so nice to still see my parents being so productive even though they aren’t the youngest! Whenever he finishes another marathon, it makes me feel more and more obligated to run them myself when I’m older. He’s 56, and I’m 18; I should be in better shape! This marathon was in Portland, which he has run once before. I’m really upset I couldn’t make it up to Portland to see him, especially since they are so close! Hopefully I can make sure to go see his next one.

October 9th, 2013:

Today there was a street market on our campus today! There were a bunch of little tents with merchants selling assorted things. It reminded me of the Saturday market but this one was on campus. It was actually a surprise when I came across it since the streets are just usually filled with kids going to class. I didn’t buy anything, although the food smelled great. BUT I did happen to stop and take a picture with this cool Yeti manikin.

Also today, October 9th, 2013, I taped my mouth shut. I am a talker. I LOVE to talk; I practically think aloud. However, my roommate really wanted to study. Therefore I thought I would help her out by taping my mouth shut. In fact, my mouth is still taped RIGHT NOW. You’re welcome Taylor. I hope this helps you study more efficiently. Ps. I’m sorry I like to chat so much 🙂

This is part of my Halloween costume. Obviously not my WHOLE Halloween outfit. I’m going to be an angel for one of the days and Miley Cyrus for another night. I’ll keep that outfit for a surprise until later. The light was shining perfectly on my wings and halo so I figured it would make a great picture! I love Holidays, especially Halloween. It gives you the opportunity to be whatever you want to be for just one night.


1st Week: Move In!


September 26th, 2013

This week was move in week! I’m from Clovis, CA and made the 11 car trek all the way up here with my mom and my best friend Rachael Pyle. We’ve been friends since the summer before our freshmen year in high school. She’s an extremely colorful person, pun not intended by the color of her hair. I will miss her here more than anything, especially since I know she would love to live here as much as I would. Hopefully I can convince her to come visit soon!

We had our first home game after move-in day on September 28th, 2013. Since I’m from California, I’m not exactly used to all the rain. However, I’ve never seen rain like I did this weekend. I cannot reiterate how appreciative I am that I didn’t get tickets. The rain came down, not in sheets, but what looked like a whole ocean falling from the sky. Unfortunately, everyone else I know here so far went to the game. I got to help dry people off and assist in some laundry. Of course my roommate got sick immediately after!

I wanted to make sure to include a picture of my two closest friends here so far. My roommate is on the left and her name is Taylor Rios. She’s also a freshman and happens to live in Cali as well! I couldn’t have been more nervous about having a horrible roommate. You hear all those horror stories about your roommate being a psychopath or evil, or just unbearable. Honestly, I couldn’t have gotten any luckier. We both had loads in common and we are practically attached at the hip. The guy in the middle is TJ. LaGrow I met TJ at freshmen orientation and we’ve stayed close since!

This is my boyfriend Robbie Domm. He lives back in Clovis, CA still.  In this picture, we are “Face Timing.” I like face timing so much more than talking on the phone. It makes me feel like he’s still here with me. Next year, he’s planning on transferring to a community college here in Eugene. In fact, Taylor has a boyfriend back home in California too and now he is considering moving up too! Taylor and I have already started looking into housing already for next year. It’s definitely way too early to be looking into housing, but I’m just so excited and I can’t help it.

This is a photo of my dad and me from THIS week! My parents already came to visit me, October 4th, 2013. My dad has always been extremely active and they came up to Oregon so that my dad could run his 15th marathon this weekend. My mom and dad both treated me to dinner in a restaurant right next to the train station. It was my first meal that didn’t come from the dining halls! I was quite excited, I took advantage of the opportunity and ordered lobster! I probably won’t be eating lobster again for awhile; oh the college life!