9th Week: Thanksgiving <3

Friday 22, 2013. Apparently messing with “Sleeping Drew” is now a thing… SO Friday night I hung out my friend Leah who lives in Global Scholars Hall. We had planned on going out to a party with Dalton, Kristen, and Ben. But I GUESS plans change! We ate downstairs in her dining hall (which I might add has the best food on campus) with our friend Hayden from our FIG! I ate an ENTIRE bowl of macaroni and cheese, which is very unlike me. Anyways, that night Alaska and her boyfriend David from Albany came over to Leah’s dorm and we just messed around in there all night. Leah’s roommate is essentially a reincarnation of Satan so we were actually able to have fun on Friday since she was at a sorority function. Alaska, Leah, and me are best friends now I think haha! We all seem to bond really well together and I have feel really comfortable around them. I can’t wait to move in with Alaska next year. It’s going to be a blast.


Saturday November 23, 2013 David and I went on a night adventure last night! After Alaska, Leah, David, and me all hung out again and everyone got tired and went to sleep, David and I went exploring! I’m from California as you know, and I don’t really see wildlife just walking around very often. I live in a rural area so I sometimes see the ocassional skunk or coyota but never raccoons! David and Alaska (her actual name is Kayla) are from Alaska and have WAY MORE experience with wildlife than I do. So when David and I saw this skunk he automatically became a skunk whisperer or something! He started talking to it and making it walk over to him and just hanging out with this raccoon! I had to take a couple pictures since it was such a weird sight for me! 🙂

Thursday November 28th, 2013 THANKSGIVING DAY! It’s so nice to get to fly home and be with my family if only for a few short days:)! This is a picture of my sister Kendall, my dog Max, and I at my uncle’s house. We ate there with a few cousins and my grandmother from that side. This was the first time in 19 years someone other than my dad cooked the Thanksgiving meal. Let’s just say it wasn’t the best Thanksgiving food I’ve ever had. BUT my mom bought a turkey so we could have our own family’s Thanksgiving on Friday. So I didn’t miss out completely on my dad’s cooking!

Thursday Night/ Friday Morning: Black Friday Shopping! My best friend and I from home went xmas shopping…for ourselves… on Black Friday at our favorite store! Shopping is probably one of our favorite leisure activities together. Rachael is going into the fashion industry for her career so she is always big on staying trendy and looking realll nice 😉 She always help me look my best! On Sunday she is coming home with me for a whole week! Drew and Rachael take on Eugene!

Saturday November 30th 2013, I dyed my hair red! Like.. really red haha! I haven’t dyed my hair since I was literally 14. So I thought it was time for a new change! I surprised Robbie after I got it done. We spent basically the whole time I was home together. I missed him so much, it’s just so nice to be NEXT to each other for a change instead of communicating via phone. When I was home, I found out that I won’t be coming home for the summer anymore. I will be taking summer school and Robbie and I will be moving up to Eugene early. VERY excited! Can’t wait to spend my whole summer and next year with him. It’ll definitely be different but we are ready for this step:)!


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