This web site is currently under development for spring 2023. More course information is forthcoming.
- Maya Student License Full Version of Software (register and follow links to “get software”)
- Make Human Community Software
- OpenShot Video Editing Software
- Maya tutorials, example files and PDF learning materials from autodesk
- Maya tutorials from Autodesk community
- Maya tutorials for beginners (video)
- Quicktime user guide
- copyright free and legal sound downloads (samples can be examined for free , but use requires a nominal fee).
- free and fee-based sound downloads: Partners in Rhyme
- royalty free music _ use generally requires citation:
- Audacity Free Download for Windows and Mac
- excerpt from Lynch Kevin, “What Time is This Place”, MIT Press, 1972.
- excerpt from Rainer Maria Rilke, “The Notes of Malte Laurids Brigge”, 1910, from Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sarte, Edited by Walter Kaufman, The World.
- excerpt from Walter Murch, “In The Blink of an Eye”, Silman-James Press, 1995.
- excerpt from Oliver Sacks, “The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat”, Harper & Row Publishers, 1987.
- excerpt on film and reality from Rudolf Arnheim, Film As Art, MIT Press, 1957.
- excerpt on rmotion from Rudolf Arnheim, Film As Art, MIT Press, 1957.
- excerpt on reduced depth from Rudolf Arnheim, Film As Art, MIT Press, 1957.