
This web site is currently under development for spring 2023. More course information is forthcoming.

  1. Maya Student License Full Version of Software (register and follow links to “get software”)
  2. Make Human Community Software
  3. OpenShot Video Editing Software
  4. Maya tutorials, example files and PDF learning materials from autodesk
  5. Maya tutorials from Autodesk community
  6. Maya tutorials for beginners (video)
  7. Quicktime user guide
  8. copyright free and legal sound downloads (samples can be examined for free , but use requires a nominal fee).
  9. free and fee-based sound downloads: Partners in Rhyme
  10. royalty  free music _ use generally requires citation:
  11. Audacity Free Download for Windows and Mac
  12. excerpt from Lynch Kevin, “What Time is This Place”, MIT Press, 1972.
  13. excerpt from Rainer Maria Rilke, “The Notes of Malte Laurids Brigge”, 1910, from Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sarte, Edited by Walter Kaufman, The World.
  14. excerpt from Walter Murch, “In The Blink of an Eye”, Silman-James Press, 1995.
  15. excerpt from Oliver Sacks, “The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat”, Harper & Row Publishers, 1987.
  16. excerpt on film and reality from Rudolf Arnheim, Film As Art, MIT Press, 1957.
  17. excerpt on rmotion from Rudolf Arnheim, Film As Art, MIT Press, 1957.
  18. excerpt on reduced depth from Rudolf Arnheim, Film As Art, MIT Press, 1957.