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Concept paper presentations


May 30, 2012 by

The 1st Annual Academy Awards Presentations on...

The 1st Annual Academy Awards Presentations on May 16, 1929, establishing this annual tradition which continues more than 80 years later (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For our last meeting of the term, we’ll spend our time discussing and reflecting on the “concept paper” assignments you’ve all been immersed in these last few weeks. I’ve not determined a particular order for presentations, but here is the basic idea:

  • each student has 10-12 minutes to share the “concept”
  • this sharing may involve media, demonstration, explanation, discussion of process, or any other aspect you feel is important for us to hear about
  • the presentation should reflect on a few of the components of the assignment, but need not be a final/full report
  • after the presentation, we’ll take 5 or so minutes for group questions and observations

I’m very much imagining that the presentations will be in the vein of sharing and collaborative exploration that has guided our time together this term (on the Diigo list, through tool workshops, via discussions of readings), and so do not expect highly structured or scripted efforts. That said, if you feel more comfortable or confident working from a detailed plan, by all means go for it!

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