
Perhaps when I was looking for classes to fill up my schedule I came upon Digital Cultures 407, which I didn’t know on what the format of this class would be, but what I did know is that it seemed like a very interesting topic; specially when in todays day we see the digital world emerging from underneath out fingernails. Its what the world want us to do, perhaps not the paper based world where change is not being accepted but sooner or later it will have to be accepted due to the technological advancement in todays time. We see new technology emerging every few seconds where if you don’t keep up with it you will be left behind and we know what happens to the ones that are left behind, they become non-existing in some type of way. Only because the don’t want change, why change something that is working properly and has no issues on any level. This comes to the realization that they are being envious of the future, not letting the future take over their old media ways, not being able to understand that technology is such a strong means of power. Technology on how its being used right now has huge advancements and it won’t stop advancing just because people won’t get on board with it.

In the talk that Professor Mayra Bottaro gave us we see the evolution of technology to something so simple and being able to hear sounds coming out of the radio. We see that it was simple to use with not many toggles on it the most important toggle or button was the one that was able to change the station to get important information, now a days we see that technology of any kind has less buttons than in the past but they are much more simple to use. We see the advancement that has gone into that, we have the world in our back pockets, in our hands and we decide on how we get our information if its paper based, radio, television, online, google, newspapers etc, its all the same type of information just used in a different way. It all depends on the persons preference and liking, we can’t force people to use something that they don’t want to use, but seems like that will be the issue in the coming future when we see that technology is  having special privileges and the only way to keep updates in the world is if you have any type of smartphone at your disposal to keep yourself updates in the future. Only one question is left, what will be the future of technology in our lifetime? Will we have flying cars, no more buttons on phones, easy of use, no more typing into the search bar more like thinking about what you need information of and automatically looking that up? What is our future going to be like?