When we talk about “Netflix” we don’t think about the things that have been done by Netflix but the things that is has to offer to the people; a multimillion dollar company that strategically uses its users to pin point its genres. A system used by many but perfective by them to better understand and comprehend its issues and what they are actually into watching. if it being a lonely night at home, being stressed out by work, the world, school, etc. Netflix seems to always be there for us to use and it’s a matter of making us feel better per say. Netflix’s sophisticated algorithm to precisely pin point on of their users best genres is amazing because for something of that caliber to be done you need a great amount of knowledge in RD. R&D is something many companies use to create and develop new ideas of what can be useful and be something for the better. Throughout the term we have been talking about New Media, something that has been evolving through out the years to become something great and something achievable/capable of making a system that will help the watcher have suggestions on what to watch next.
Using specific generated genres is a great way to have the viewer go out of its comfort zone and branch out to different titles of movies and explore the Hollywood scene. Amazing that someone like Netflix has been able to achieve this, perhaps its was an easy task with the amount of technology that had been available at their fingertips and the great coding people that have been specifically engineering algorithms to a persons taste. It’s like a personal fashionista for every one of Netflix users, Creating a new algorithm creating genres within genres called “micro-genres”.
In order to understand Netflix we have to better understand what the list is made up in order to have specifically generated genres for everyone of Netflix users. Imagine having millions and millions of users and having to create an algorithm to better suite the user for his genres recommendations. With this we also have to think about the data the Netflix is using and storing without our knowledge. Imagining that Netflix needs to use all this data from use to use recommendations is actually a creepy thing to think of. Not only because we don’t know what is being used but how its being used. Is it being shared with other programs? How safe is our data being stored? These are good questions that we need to take in account when we are signing up for subscriptions.