Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change

Will rapid evolution or phenotypic plasticity rescue species from climate change?

adaptation | climate change | resilience

Phenological Reshuffling & Species Coexistence

How is climate change causing phenological reshuffling, and how does this influence species interactions and coexistence?

phenology | coexistence theory | global change

Restoration Ecology and Community Science

How do species interactions influence restoration outcomes?

restoration | coexistence theory | community science

Fungal biogeography

How are fungi responding to changing climate, and what factors control the distributions of fungal species at local to continental scales?

fungi | biogeography

Forest dynamics

How will species interactions mediate forest responses to climate variability and change?

forests | climate | coexistence | species interactions

Plant-soil feedbacks and coexistence

How do soil fungi and bacteria mediate plant species interactions and coexistence?

plant-soil feedbacks | species coexistence