Incense Cedar

Calocedrus decurrens 


  • Characteristics:
    Incense Cedars appear more bushy and less pyrimidal than most conifers. The leaves of this species are decussate and scale-like and occur in flat sprays.

  • Scales:
    Notice that the internodes of the scales are longer that they are wide, giving the appearance of a champagne glass. The leaves of this species have no stomatal bloom (compare with Western Red Cedar).

  • Bark:
    The bark of the Incense Cedar is quite distinctive due to its fibrous almost stringy texture. It is also quite often a rust red on the inside and weathers to a greyish brown on the outside.

  • Cones:The cones of the Incense Cedar are easy to identify as they have three distinct cone scales. The scales are hard and woody. Note: this picture depicts the cones after they have opened however they can be seen while still closed.

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