Grand Fir

Abies grandis 


  • Characteristics:
    A true fir, the Grand Fir is a shade tolerant tree that can grow 125′ to 250′ high. The needle-like leaves are two ranked and when rubbed off or removed leave a round, smooth scar. There is stomatal bloom on the underside of the needles as well. The true firs cones do not fall to the ground intact, but disintigrate in the canopy. When attached to the branch the cones sit erectly upon it.

  • Leaves:
    The needle-like leaves of the Grand Fir are 3/4″ to 2″ long. Notice the stomatal bloom as shown from the underside photo of the branch.

  • Leaf Scars:
    When the needles of the Grand Fir detach from the branch they leave a round to oval, smooth scar as depicted in this photo.

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