Leadership Development Plan (LDP)

In past leadership experiences I consider myself highly adept at modeling the way and leading my example.  It’s rare for me to not follow through on a commitment or to complete my work in a timely fashion. Although I appreciate feedback and attempt to adjust in order to accommodate those critiques, I generally don’t seek it out. Being a more soft-spoken person, I usually attempt to complete my work not only to meet the requirements, but also to satisfy fellow group members as to not need to be given any negative feedback.

In terms of inspiring a shared vision, I’m very open to group suggestions in addition to making compromises in the decision making process. I try to incorporate all participants’ ideas into what we are doing in an attempt to void any possible situations of conflict. I generally see the work for its face value and struggle to find a higher purpose or meaning. While I do generally tend to think a few steps in advance I find it to be a struggle to look to the future and imagine what the full picture is.

While I do set high standards for myself, and my own work, it’s unusual for me to challenge the process in a position of leadership or group setting. I generally find myself as the planner/organizer in the group in the beginning, but find difficulty in managing a group of people to adhere to that plan, which leads me to shy away from adding any additional challenges.

I am usually very supportive and encouraging of other group members, and enabling other to act. I rarely find myself competing in groups and instead try to gain input from all involved. While I find it difficult to trust others with completing tasks because I sometimes get rutted into the idea that my way is the best way, I’m a firm believer in delegating tasks and sharing responsibilities.

I think that I do well recognizing when people do good work and let people know when I think they have done something well. These accolades are generally something that I ensure the person knows personally, in contrast to sharing my feelings with the entire group.

Action Plan 1: Challenge the Process

Currently, I stick to the basics when it comes to completing any sort of task. I complete what is required in order to just meet the standards. I rarely question a teammates idea or plan of action even if I have objections. In a past group experience, I was assigned to a group with members seemingly unconcerned with the outcome, their actions reflected that they were less interested in meeting the projects requirements and more interested in simply having something to turn in. Instead of trying to challenge what we were doing, or our approach to the project, I merely completed my portions and saw to it that my portion alone met the standards. In the future I would like to be more assertive in challenging my group members whether it be by simply asking a question, or openly disagreeing and objecting appropriately.  I think to go about this I will need to stay informed on our groups decisions as well as personal opinions in order appropriately judge the situation so I have specific feedback and suggestions for the group, opposed to broad suggestions like “we should try harder/ do more”.

Action Plan 2: Relationship Management

While I have never had an outright negative relationship with any group/partners, I tend to be a quiet contributor in group settings and avoid relationships beyond necessary communications and polite conversations. While I am always careful to talk to others in a kind and sensitive manner, I avoid getting involved with conflict at almost all costs and focus on my work on an individual instead of group level. During a class this past summer term I was grouped with two international students who, with English being their second language, were at times difficult to understand and communicate things to. I was very patient in trying to get past the language barrier, remained calm and didn’t let any communication-based barriers frustrate me. Despite my efforts to remain calm during interactions, I worried about how that barrier may effect the final outcome of the project, and instead of working with them to positively influence or collaborate with them, I instead focused again on my own work to ensure that my portion was more than enough to make up for any foreseeable issues (none of which occurred). In the future I would like to be supportive and compassionate, not just on my surface interactions but to actually have those things be true. In order to do this I believe that getting to know my teammates on a personal level (i.e. finding out their hobbies, interests, wants and desires in life) could help to build a foundation of a more personal relationship and also improve my ability to communicate, bond and collaborate with them.

Self Assessment

Impressions of BA 352

My impression of BA 352 so far is still forming since we have only had class twice. But during the first two meeting sessions I have gained insight into how prominent group work really is throughout the remainder of this course. I think that a large portion of being successful in this class is related to how your team interacts and works together. Obviously it is very important to keep up on the work and pay close attention to deadlines in order to be successful. Although, I still don’t know the details of the assignments to come, the work itself seems to be very straightforward and clear in its expectations. The heavy emphasis on group work was clearly highlighted in the first two classes, and seems like it will be a main focus and possibly the most difficult part of the class.