Zia Mohajerzadeh

Degree: MArch

Expected Graduation Date: December 2021

Previous Degree: BArch, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; MArch, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

I’m From: I am Iranian/Canadian citizen, who most recently lived in Tehran, Iran

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I came to the University of Oregon because of its focused and ongoing research in the area of sustainable architecture. I was attracted to the program because of the research being done by Professor Van Den Wymelenberg and by Professor Elzeyadi (my supervisor). I think what they are doing is exciting and innovative. I am very much interested in sustainable and environmentally friendly, user-focused design. I think the work Professor Elzeyadi is doing around dynamic façade design is quite innovative.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
I think novel ideas can be injected into structural designs. In addition to all the important parameters which should be considered for modern architectures, considerations of health and well-being are emerging at this time. In addition, I feel that I can propose new ideas to improve energy saving concepts, which is an area I have been exploring throughout my previous studies

My Extracurricular Activities
I have always taken part in in sports activities and I look forward to being able to do that while I am in UO when I’m able. I feel it helps me to be more focused and creative when I’m working.

After Graduation
I hope to continue my education by pursuing a PhD program. After that I hope to establish a small company of my own to realize innovative ideas in architecture from a practical and energy saving point of view.

Your Gift
I feel honored to receive this scholarship, which helps as I continue my education and prepare for my future career. It really helps me to be more focused on my education.

Thank you for helping me work towards my goals!