Subik Shrestha

This is a photo of me and my girlfriend. She motivated me to come to the U.S. for graduate studies and we have been together for almost thirteen years!

Degree: PhD in Architecture

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2021

Previous Degrees
BArch, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur, Nepal

MS Arch, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA

I’m From: Kathmandu, Nepal

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I came to the University of Oregon because I was really inspired by Professor Howard Davis’s work and wanted to study with him. In addition, I was looking for a school that  was renowned for sustainability, and the UO was a perfect fit!

I found the work of Professor Howard Davis and wanted to work with him, so I applied to the University of Oregon for my PhD.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
I grew up in the historic city of Kathmandu, Nepal and I am incorporating my love for the history of cities into my PhD studies, which is about the history of downtown Eugene.

My Influential Professors
My supervisor, Howard Davis, and his persistence in being productive and contributing to society has been really inspiring to me.

My Extracurricular Activities
Before the pandemic, I was a part of the Design for Climate Action group at the College of Design. Through this group, I got to meet several students from around the campus who were serious about climate change.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
My greatest learning experience was being able to formulate and work on a research project.

After Graduation
After graduation, I want to establish a multi-national research firm that works on issues related to the design of cities.

Your Gift
This scholarship is important to me because not only has it given me financial support, but I will have to worry less as I am working on my dissertation. Additionally, this has given me a huge emotional boost!

You have been really helpful and it inspires me to one day assist students like me in the future. Thank you!