Lizi Cleary

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2023
2021-2022 Scholarships
Gloria Tovar Lee Scholarship in Art History
Prior Degree
BA History, minors inĀ Spanish and Physical Geography, Adams State University, Alamosa, CO
I Am Originally From Colorado Springs, CO
I chose to study at the University of Oregon because I was ready to focus on my career. I am excited to be a master’s student in the Art History program because it feels like I am coming home after a few years of wandering the job market. My focus in returning to school is to build the skills, knowledge, and experience to pursue a job in the museum industry. The choice to attend the University of Oregon is the opportunity to be surrounded by curious and passionate faculty and students who ignite my own interests.
I chose to study Art History in graduate school to build on my BA in History with Minors in Spanish and Geography. History spoke to me because it is simply the study of stories and perspective. Moreover, I enjoy lengthy hours with my nose in a book or retelling the stories through research. I made the switch to Art History because I was drawn to the modes of individual expression, specifically through Surrealism and Dada during the World Wars in France and Spain.
I am returning to school after a four year hiatus spent in the work force. During that time, I worked as a waitress, a barista turned shift supervisor, an AmeriCorps member, and a teller. When I was an AmeriCorps member, I volunteered at the Museum of the Oregon Territory archiving photos and ultimately compiling research and writing informational panels for the exhibits. After a few years, I enjoyed the challenge of flexing the mental muscles that I had so carefully honed in college. It felt so natural and meaningful. It was during that time that I decided I wanted a career in the museum industry.
One of my main reasons for applying to the University of Oregon was to study with Dr. Joyce Cheng, Associate Professor of Art History. Finding a professor who studies primitivism, Dada, and surrealism was not easy to do. I have been intrigued by Dada since my junior year in college when I wrote a final paper on the Cabaret Voltaire in Switzerland. I am hoping that studying with Dr. Cheng will turn the topics that I have less expertise in–critical theory, methodology, and application of difficult-to-grasp artistic concepts–into my strengths.
I recently completed my 200-hour yoga teacher certification and earned an internship as a teacher for the summer in Portland. During my time in Eugene, I hope to put this education and experience to use at the campus recreation center. One of the most interesting connections that I have found between yoga and surrealist art is the overlap in theory and philosophy. The discussions that occur between the ego and the unconscious as well as the mystic elements of many surrealist paintings provide interesting connections to Eastern philosophy. In fact, two prominent women surrealists, Alice Rahon and Valentine Penrose traveled to India and found immense inspiration in the county and its culture.
Once I complete my MA plan to have career in the museum industry, but I don’t foresee entering the job market as a curator. Rather, I see myself gradually working towards that goal. Along the way, I hope to research and publish, specifically focusing on women artists in the Dada and surrealist movements.
One of the main reasons it took me four years to muster up the courage to attend graduate school was the cost. Knowing how expensive a graduate degree can be was daunting. The Gloria Tovar Lee Scholarship is meaningful not only in lessening the financial challenges but also by providing support towards my academic and career goals.
I can’t thank you enough for the support. The scholarship is so much more than a financial award. It supports the concept that my academic and career goals are not only attainable but encouraged. Thank you for taking an interest in my academic development.