Lindsey Kurtz

This is a photo of me, taken at the Painted Hills in Eastern Oregon. The pandemic kept me inside my apartment for most of the past year, but I was able to finally get out and explore Oregon during spring break 2021. I am constantly amazed at how beautiful Oregon is and how much there is to explore!

Degree: MLArch

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

Prior Degrees
BS in Environmental Geography, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

2021-2022 Scholarships
Brian Mostue Memorial Scholarship in Landscape Architecture
Dennis Hickok Memorial Scholarship

I Am Originally From Shawano, WI

I chose the University of Oregon for its emphasis on ecological-based design. I’ve always been drawn to natural ecosystems but also recognize the growing needs of our cities. The UO College of Design recognizes this as well and prepares students to incorporate the needs of both natural and urban ecosystems and integrate them in the urban fabric.

Landscape architecture gives me a large toolbox for my future career. After graduating college with my environmental geography degree, I realized that I had the knowledge but lacked the skills to apply them to projects that made an impact on communities. Landscape architecture was the natural next step for me to prepare myself for a career I will feel inspired to be in every day.

Before I came to UO, I was living in rural Wisconsin. I have a deep appreciation for America’s agricultural landscapes and see them as opportunities to improve both soil conditions and crop productivity while enhancing natural ecosystems. My experience in rural landscapes is a critical perspective in design work where many have not been exposed to these landscapes or the people who work in them.

I truly enjoyed my time working with Dr. Carolyn Fish, Assistant Professor of Geography. She was my first supervisor as a graduate employee (GE). While assisting in her class, I learned a lot about guiding students to the answer instead of giving it to them. She was also very organized in the course and gave me assistance when I needed it.

I am a part of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) in the Department of Landscape Architecture . I enjoy assisting the department in selecting next year’s cohort, reviewing program handbooks, and helping in other department decisions. It has given me an opportunity to be a bigger part of my department and learn more about the administrative side of a college major.

My greatest learning experience has been every studio I’ve taken over my two years, specifically learning how to keep practicing at my design skills. I came in with no design background, and my graphics and designs certainly showed that. However, great design work takes time to achieve, and each term I push myself a little more to make my graphics a bit cleaner, my designs a bit more purposeful, my software skills more sharp. It takes time and patience to become good at something, one just needs to continually put in the effort even when the products in the moment don’t seem all that great.

I hope to start using my knowledge from my undergraduate and graduate years to create spaces that are climate change resilient and use the latest research to improve conditions for people, plants, and animals. I hope to make spaces that are inclusive for everyone and are integrated into the community. I hope to be in a place where I feel proud of the work I do.

Both Dennis Hickok Memorial Fund and the A. Brian Mostue Memorial Scholarship in Landscape Architecture awards are important to me because I have very little financial assistance for my education. Out-of-state expenses are extremely high, and working a job with my degree is not worth the time spent away from design work. I appreciate that this scholarship can help me focus more time on my education.

Thank you for supporting my education at UO. I am so thankful that there are such generous individuals who take the time to support students. It certainly is helping me with my own studies, and in time I hope to pay the favor forward to someone else!