Larissa Koitmaa

This is a photo of me at Lake Tahoe! I grew up visiting Tahoe all the time and I love being there with my friends and family.

Degree: BIArch

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

2021-2022 Scholarship
Jeanne Hall Jenkins Scholarship

I Am Originally From Reno, NV

I chose the University of Oregon because of the Interior Architecture program it offered. It is also in a location that I was very interested in during my college search. My favorite thing about being in the College of Design is definitely the interaction you have with the professors because you are able to form relationships that are vey beneficial when gaining this type of an education.

I initially wanted to major in interior design and the University of Oregon sent me a letter informing of their Interior Architecture program and it seemed like a perfect fit.

In high school I spent all four years in student leadership and held a vice president positions during my junior and senior year. Throughout this experience I gained skills that are especially useful in a team setting that have helped me grow as a person. I grew up very shy and these experiences helped me become a more confident and outgoing person. Knowing I will end up in the design field, having these skills are crucial and I have already been able to implement them in my studies. During my second term, I completed a group final project in my Architecture II studio course and we were complimented on our ability to work as a team and that is something we took pride in. I am excited to come to campus this fall and use my experiences to become a better student.

My first studio teacher was Marziah Zad, Instructor of Architexcture, and she was the first professor I created a connection with at the UO. She really cared about her students and when critiquing our work, she truly wanted us to improve and be successful. We were able to have one-on-one conversations about our work and she gave me a lot of advice that I will continue to carry with me through my career.

I am not currently involved in any activities as I have not been able to go to campus, but throughout high school I was very involved in student activities as I held multiple student council positions and was a part of student leadership and I really hope to do something similar when I get to campus. I also did community service throughout all my years in high school and I hope to become more involved again as the pandemic comes to an end.

One thing I have struggled with is how I will be taking longer than average to complete my degree, and I was worried about getting behind in comparison to my peers. After having met so many people, I have learned that we all complete things at our own pace and there’s no purpose in rushing through anything.

My greatest hopes are to become an interior designer and work at a firm or studio where I can make an impact in someone else’s life. In my first two terms alone I have learned about accessibility and sustainability in the architectural world and how important those things are to so many people. After 5 years, I will have learned so much more and I am so excited to use my creativity and skills to benefit others.

This scholarship is extremely important to me as it is guaranteeing another term in my education. During my college search, the UO was always my dream school but my family and I have struggled to afford it. Thankfully, I have been awarded scholarships that make a great impact in my ability to attend college, and the Jeanne Hall Jenkins Scholarship is one that will allow me to achieve my career goals and help reduce that financial burden.

Thank you so much! This scholarship has immensely helped my confidence. Sometimes I second-guessed myself and wondered if I was cut-out for this kind of career. After receiving recognition for the kind of work that I have produced, it helps solidify my aspirations and motivates me to continue. Knowing that someone has believed in me enough to help support my education is very satisfying, and for that I thank you so much.