Kamila Widulinski

This is a photo of me in Washington state on my recent thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail.


Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

Previous Degree: BS, Architecture, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

I’m From: Stamford, CT

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I chose the University of Oregon because I believe the classes and faculty are by far the most innovative and engaged in tackling the current issues of our time. The program’s vision of using architecture and planning as a means to promote justice for all people and communities in all aspects of the word was inspiring and motivating for me to use my skill set and education to promote equality.

I graduated with a BS in Architecture in 2016, and worked in the field for three years while acquiring my license. I decided to go back to school for my master’s because I felt that the industry, in my experience, was not pushing enough for environmentally friendly building options. Through my master’s degree at UO, I hope to gain the experience needed to help innovate the industry and move us into a new era of truly “green” building.

I am excited to have the opportunity to work with the rotating Design for Spatial Justice Fellowship faculty. It will be a unique experience to work with faculty on their specific social justice projects focused on global issues.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
One of the most significant experiences I had that encouraged me to go to graduate school was a month-long workshop in Uruguay, where I assisted in the construction of an off-grid hotel with Earthship Biotecture. Earthships are designed with principles of self-sufficiency that work with natural phenomena and renewable or recycled materials to create buildings that are minimally invasive and work with the occupants to create healthy habitats. I intend to use my knowledge from this experience to inform my and my classmates future projects and open us to the possibilities of an energy-independent future.

Extracurricular Activities I Want to Pursue
I am excited to be part of the Portland campus because of the proximity to so many firms and professionals. I expect the bustling design scene in the city and ability to meet so many different players in the Portland architecture industry will help inform my designs in class as well as enhance my career prospects after graduation.

After Graduation
After graduation, I imagine working with local firms and advocates to help promote social and environmental justice through community enhancing projects. I hope to encourage more sustainable development and construction that has long-lasting positive effects on our world and society.

Your Gift
Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus all of my energy on my degree, without having to worry about covering my additional living expenses. I will be able to put more effort in my involvement with the UO community and partaking in research with professors, something I was unable to do in my past educational experiences.

Thank you so much! This gift is extremely impactful and will help me with my pursuit of my degree and my future career opportunities. After experiencing the benefits of your generosity, I am inspired to also one day be able to provide others in my position with the financial assistance to complete postgraduate degrees in this field.