Justin Yowell

This is a photo of me and my wife, and our three pets making funny faces at Christmas. I am where I am today because of my wife and we are so excited for the future.

Degree: BArch

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

2021-2022 Scholarship
Pat Picconi Scholarship for Excellence in Architectural Design

I Am Originally From Grants Pass, OR

The 5-year architecuture program at the University of Oregon is by far the best opportunity that had been presented to me. The way UO focuses on sustainable design and elevating designs to serve those who use the architecture is the best direction I could have taken in my education. The faculty and resources are great and I really enjoy the materials that UO focuses on.

I was originally attending Lane Community College to gain a transfer degree in the arts without much direction. It wasn’t until I found the program at UO that I realized I could focus on an art-related career path while also doing something more impactful in my career.

I will be the first in my family to go to school and graduate with a degree. I come from humble beginnings and I always keep that in mind. I believe that my experience and drive to learn and become an expert in my field help motivate me to approach my designs with a fresh and unique perspective.

Jim Givens, Senior Instructor II of Architecture, has by far been the most impactful professor I have at UO. I took Intro to architecture with him as well as my first studio and I believe that it helped me develop the essential building blocks that I would need to elevate my design decisions from that moment on. Givens helped me understand that the quality of space is just as, if not more, important than the quantity of space.

I enjoy providing my skills and resources when I can. I have been to a few meetings that the local church has held where we come together to help find solutions to rapidly growing homelessness in Eugene. I try to help where I feel that I am needed and give the insight that I feel is necessary.

Every term I learn more and more so it is hard to pinpoint one specific experience. Every final review or midterm review helps me grow to become a better designer. However, I think my greatest learning experience was a studio with Stephen Duff, Associate Professor of Arcitecture, where we designed a cabin and, although it was small, it helped me focus and create a really cool design and pay extra attention to detail.

This summer I will be working an internship and I hope that I will create a healthy and good relationship with my employer so that I can land a job after graduation. However, I have to remind myself that this degree isn’t always about getting a job and being comfortable. From time to time I have to think about the people that struggle around the world and how this degree can help change those lives. Ever since some presentations about humanitarian work I have been very intrigued and will look for opportunities to help those in need when I gain the experience required to do so.

All financial help I receive helps me better focus on my education and support me while I attend the UO. I can spend more time at home or in the studio working on my projects and growing my portfolio. College is very expensive and coming from a family that didn’t have a lot of money I appreciate and utilize every penny. The scholarships I received only help me become better and stronger in the career I have chosen.

Thank you! Learning that I received this scholarship made my wife and me so happ—we were screaming on the phone. It really helps and gives me a sense of accomplishment that I was chosen to receive this scholarship and it helps me drive harder in my studies and create better and better designs. So thank you!