Justin Yowell

This is a photo of me and my wife at the park.

Degree: BArch

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

I’m From: Grants Pass, OR

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I originally chose the University of Oregon as my in-state option looking to pursue a future in graphic design or Art and Technology. Once I became a student and took an intro to architecture class I became fascinated with the course and its department. I quickly switched majors and applied for winter term admission. The community in the architecture department is unique and close. The faculty and student body make up a diverse learning environment that I enjoy very much.

I originally went to community college to pursue graphic design or fine arts but toward the end of my time at community college, I decided I wanted a more meaningful and impactful field of study. Looking into the school of architecture I found that they had a huge role to play in sustainable architecture and interesting designs. I knew from then what I wanted to do and I didn’t stop until I was admitted.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
I come from a working class family that did not attend college. It was very important to my father that I go to college and be the first to graduate. I attended community college for the first three years of my college career to help find what I was truly passionate about before coming to the UO.

My Influential Professors
Jim Givens, senior instructor in architecture, has ben the best and most influential professor for me so far. He has a lot of insight and has a way of bringing the best designs out of people. Givens taught me how to be unique, different, and reach for my own personal design goals. He challenges every one of his students to push the envelope and really strive for greatness. His critiques are the best I’ve had, where he looks to improve on our strengths while still telling us our weaknesses.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
I learn the most when I simply want to learn. In this program, we must all keep an open mind and look to improve our design at every level of the design process. At first, I was a bit stubborn and only looked to develop the design the way I wanted the design to go. I learned early on that the instructors and professors are there to elevate your design and even if you don’t always agree with them, their methods force you to explore new possibilities and designs and that is very important.

After Graduation
I would really enjoy putting what I’m learning at the University of Oregon to good use and find a firm that looks for sustainable ways to build. I hope to get hired at a firm after graduation and work on either sustainable designs or take on some humanitarian projects to better help communities in need.

Your Gift
I do not come from grand beginnings and any bit of help I receive helps me more than I can describe. This scholarship will help me better focus on my school work and not have to spend as much time working side jobs to help ends meet. This scholarship helps to relieve a lot of stress.

Thank you for this opportunity and helping me further my education!