Heather Hale

2021-2022 Scholarship
PGE Illumination Scholarship

Degree: BLArch

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2023

I Am Originally From Peoria, IL

I choose the University of Oregon for it’s landscape architecture program because there is a concentration on stormwater management and green architecture. It was also important to me that the program offers an accredited degree through the American Society of Landscape Architecture.

I was looking for a summer job after my junior year of high school. I was browsing a local nursery web page in my hometown looking for a job application. I stumbled across an opening for a landscape architect. I had wanted to be an architect when I was young but knew nothing of landscape architecture. Growing up my mother would have me help her outside with all things plant related. I always had a love and respect for plants and the earth and its environment. Discovering landscape architecture gave me a chance to experience the best of both my worlds: architecture and plants.

My junior year of high school my mother, who was a single parent, passed away unexpectedly from a pulmonary embolism leaving my little brother and me on our own. I was homeless after high school graduation for several years living in homeless shelters for women and in group homes.I have learned that if you want something bad enough that you never give up on the dream. My dream was to study landscape architecture at the University of Oregon. I worked on making that a reality everyday while I was homeless. I never gave up and tried my best everyday. My perseverance and fortitude is what I bring to my studies.

Jacques Abelman, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, was my studio professor for my second 289 studio. Covid-19 had just forced every class to be taught via Zoom. This was the second studio I ever took and I felt extremely overwhelmed with the transition and the work not being in a studio with others and with Jacques. I was seriously contemplating if I should give up and drop out because everything just felt like it was too much and I felt on my own in the learning department. Jacques and I had a serious conversation about it and he really showed me how together we can get through it. His studio was so motivating that I taught myself photoshop that term and had an amazing Final Review.

University of Oregon’s chapter of The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

The greatest learning experience I have had was last summer term I took a total of three classes that all have to do with the environment and how we as humans are destroying it. I was unaware of several of the topics discussed in class and once made aware my outlook on life and the world and humanity vastly changed. In response to that I developed a greater understanding of how my major, landscape architecture, and the profession of landscape architecture can help combat these unwanted climate changes.

My greatest hope is to use my College of Design education to begin working in Eugene and gain years of experience and then make my way to Portland to work at a firm that specializes in stormwater management. I also want to be a licensed landscape architect in Oregon as well as California if possible. I would love to work on projects in San Diego doing sustainable xeriscape gardens and properties.

This scholarship is important to me because when I lost my mother I lost everything including financial stability. As a young adult money is not abundant right now. This scholarship gives me a chance to continue to pursue my dreams at my dream school while giving me a greater chance at financial freedom. It also means to me that my story is important and that it means something to the individuals who were able to make this opportunity possible.

I just want to say thank you so much for this opportunity and for making this possible. Your kindness and your generosity are responsible for fueling my dreams and for giving me a chance to do the impossible by turning dreams into reality. Being able to complete this degree will change my life for the better and I want to be excited everyday to go to work as a landscape architect and try to change the world for the better through my work.