Grace McMahon

This is a photo of me from a year ago, after I finished presenting my final coworking office design.

Degree: BIArch, Minors in Sociology, Architecture, and Entrepreneurship

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

I’m From: Bandon, Oregon

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I chose the University of Oregon because this school surpassed all expectations I had ever had for a college education. I found this school to be in the perfect location and have a welcoming atmosphere, while n also providing the unique opportunity to pursue architecture. As a freshman, I was unsure of which major I would choose but had always loved interior architecture and design. Upon showing interest in the College of Design, I quickly connected with insightful peers and faculty members who inspired my creativity. Through studio classes, lectures and countless creative projects here at the College of Design I have found professors, classmates and friends who share interests similar to mine and who are always willing to point me in new and exciting directions.

Growing up, I always loved drawing floor plans on sticky notes before changing my room, seemingly every couple of months. As years passed, I found my passion continue in architectural magazines and HGTV episodes with mom. However, when it initially came time to register for classes and decide on a major, I felt unsure of the path I would take. After looking through the courses offered by the College of Design, I knew I had found courses that allowed me to build upon the interests I had had my whole life. I immediately chose an introduction to interior architecture course and am so grateful to feel at home and filled with opportunity since that decision.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
Except for living in Eugene dring college, I have spent my entire life in a tiny coastal town in Southern Oregon. This uniquely rural childhood of knowing nearly every street name and the family histories of all my classmates has influenced the ways I have come to understand community. My understanding of small towns and communities offers a rich exchange of ideas between urban-raised classmates and thoughtful conversations that may not have happened otherwise. While I plan to work and live in an urban environment after graduation, using my knowledge of rural environments creates opportunity for unconventional approaches to design with a much more community-based approach.

My Influential Professors
Kyu-ho Ahn, assistant professor of interior architecture, was the first professor I had who sparked my interest in the details of the field. Just this last spring I was able to participate in one of his studio courses that focused on urban dining in the Portland area. This experince allowed me to experiment with new ways of approaching my design process. He is one of my favorite professors at UO both for the way he structures his courses and because of the insightful critiques he regularly offers. Every course I take with Kyu-ho inspires new creativity in my work and I would love to continue learning from him.

My Extracurricular Activities
Aside from course work, I spend the majority of my time working in a restaurant or babysitting. While I am not currently connected with any student activities, I find value in seeing my community grow through the success of the restaurant I work in. At this job I have met many inspiring coworkers who have not only taught me incredible work ethic, but have shown me a sense of connectedness I did not expect from a small collection of restaurant employees. In addition to understanding my community, this job has offered me the opportunity to advance through many types of positions and gain understandings of interior spaces and restaurant functions that I hope to bring into future designs.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
The greatest learning experiences I have had at UO come from countless all-nighters in the studios of the architecture department. In the days and nights preceding final pinups, I continually witness unity and encouragement through friends and peers that is unlike anything I have experienced outside of architecture. In the late hours preceding those pinups, I have learned that no matter the task, if you have a strong support system, the job can still get done. I am now confident that with enough dedication and teamwork I will be able to tackle any future project.

After Graduation
Because I come from a small town devoid of any firms, I plan to move to a city that allows for greater career opportunities in architecture. There, I see myself working in a firm where I can continue to learn from peers and provide innovative and beautiful designs for clients. Further down the line, I would love to create my own practice and build a company of my own that brings new design into places lacking thoughtful design, like my hometown. With my  degree, I am confident that these starting goals are achievable and I’m excited to see the new places a design profession can take me.

Your Gift
Because this scholarship provides such great financial assistance, I am able to focus more time and energy on my education. Where I might be focused on loans or adding more work hours to an already packed schedule, I am instead practicing architecture and learning new medias. This scholarship is the gift of more time to focus on my degree rather than the money that allows me to be here.

You have impacted my life so much. This scholarship allows me to put much more energy towards gaining the most knowledge and experience from my education as possible. Thank you so very much!