Eva Emter

This is a photo of a piece I made during quarantine without access to gallery space, I used my bathroom to make a scene.

Degree: BFA, Sculpture  & BA, Japanese

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2021

I’m From: Seattle, WA

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I originally chose the university of Oregon for its science program. However, since then, I have changed my major to art. Now being in the College of Design, I value the knowledge, insight, and kindness of the professors. Many of which have helped me learn more about myself.

I chose my majors based on what I felt passion for.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
It is hard to say what is unique or not, but I think I bring a unique amalgamation of experiences that drives my studies. For example, the experience of being of and between two cultures, being Japanese and non-Hispanic Caucasian, my experiences of familial losses and friends, my experience in search and rescue, domestic disputes, and familial mental illnesses are what I mainly stop to think about and have shaped me.

My Influential Professors
Marissa Benedict was a particularly influential instructor at UO. From her I learned the importance of viewing things as if they were a connecting point to a spiderweb. Everything is connected in some way to each other and is both a catalyst and reactor. Reactions that can be different which then promotes multiple possibilities of growth, which in itself is a reactant.

My Extracurricular Activities
Currently, I work two campus jobs and I am an intern at a gallery. The jobs are important to sustain me for practical reasons and to fund my own artwork. At Ditch Projects, where I am an intern, I value the connections that I have with the artists that show there as well as having the opportunity to learn about gallery installation work that will be useful knowledge in the future.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
The greatest learning experience that I had at the UO so far is the countless interactions that I have had with people here. I was able to learn a multitude of different and/or similar views, values, and experiences.

After Graduation
After graduation I hope to intern or work in affiliation with art. I am eager for experience outside of university life, and the opportunity to make work outside of an institutional setting. Then after gaining some insight, I would like to go back to school to get a MFA in sculpture.

Your Gift
This scholarship means a lot more than it’s monetary value. It allows me to purchase the supplies that I need and it will also fund my making experience. These experiences that then lead to insights that help me see what kind of work I want to make and provides an outlet to personal experience, perception and conversation.

Thank you for making this possible!