Emily Schechtman

This is a photo of me on the last day of my work as a field instructor with the Multnomah Educational Services Outdoor School in November 2019. I am pictured center, with the two program leaders who worked with me.

2021-2022 Scholarship
Effie Lu Fairchild Scholarship

Degree: Master in Nonprofit Management

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

Prior Degree
BS in Agricultural Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis

I Am Originally From Portland, OR

The University of Oregon has one of the only, as well as the first, Master in Nonprofit Management programs. Other schools that I was interested in mostly had a nonprofit management certificate option within a Business Administration degree, which I was much less interested in. It was also a benefit to be able to stay in Oregon and be close to my family, as well as receive in-state tuition. So far, I have been extremely pleased by how supportive everyone within the college has been, both faculty and my peers. It has also been wonderful to see all of the other work that students throughout the college have been working on. I am very impressed by all of the work that has come out of the college.

As I was getting ready to apply to graduate school, I was choosing between three possible majors. In speaking to some of my personal mentors and other professionals in the work that I want to do, I heard many people say that getting management experience and education would be most beneficial to me. Hearing this from people I admired most was a big part of the deciding factor in choosing nonprofit management. A few months before I applied, I visited UO and met with a faculty member and a current student, and both of those conversations helped confirm that Nonprofit Management and PPPM was the right fit for me.

All of my work has been with youth, with a particular focus on equity and inclusion. Because of my work experience, I feel that I am able to bring skills in communication, leadership, and a lens of equity. I am fortunate that I have been exposed to a wide range of diverse people and experiences and I think that has been valuable within my classes and my personal learning.

Dr. Dyana Mason, Associate Professor of Nonprofit Management, has been a wonderful part of my education so far. In addition to being extremely knowledgeable, many of our interests align and I greatly appreciate her particular emphasis on equity as well.

I am a member of the PPPM Student Advisory Board. This is important to me because it allows me to be a liaison between the students and the faculty and have important topics addressed, while also taking on a leadership role amongst my peers.

I have had some really great experiential learning while at the UO. Being able to apply what I am learning as I am learning it is how I learn best and is why I am so interested in perusing a career supporting youth in nontraditional settings. It’s great to be able to experience that within a traditional educational setting as well.

I hope to be a camp or outdoor education director and I am already using my degree in my career. I am learning so much about management and nonprofit organizations, in particular how to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an organization and critically plan to move forward. I am excited to combine the theoretical frameworks with actual problems, all with having the mission of an organization as its own framework.

This degree is probably the most expensive thing I will do until I purchase a house. While I believe that my education is worth what I am paying, having this scholarship dramatically reduces the financial burden that being a full-time student can bring. With this scholarship, I feel significantly better prepared to pay for my education next year, and know that I will be able to focus more time on my classes.

Thank you! Your support makes it possible for students to attend school and succeed in their education and career beyond.