Dylan De’Arman

This photo is a self-portrait.*

Degree: BFA, Photography

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

2021-2022 Scholarship
Donald Hubbard Family Scholarship in Art

I Am Originally From Fairfield, CA

I chose the University of Oregon mainly because my wife was also accepted as a graduate student in the Sociology department. The state of Oregon in general seemed to me at the time to be a place I wanted to be and explore. What I like most about being in the College of Design is the inclusiveness of each class I have participated in. In the College of Design I’ve been pushed to think more critically and present and tackle new angles of a project or assignment. For instance, I’ve been pushed out of my comfort zone, and I like that because of the growth and insight that process inspires and teaches.

I chose to study photography because of how diverse and accessible it is. Photography has a relatively short history (1839), but long enough to have made major a impact on societies, science, pseudo-science, and the world as a whole. As I learn more about art and photography, I feel I have chosen the right path that fits my need and how I want to participate in the visual culture.

I like to “ask the tough questions”, as Hank Willis Thomas once said. I have always been a person who sees the importance of and growth in being vulnerable.  That’s one reason  I chose to learn art. I find that being vulnerable and/or asking tough question is not only beneficial for myself, but also my peers. I don’t know exactly if I inspire my peers, but I hope I do. Yet I know that my peers inspire me.

Michael Salter, Professor of Art, has been an influential professor. What I learned from his was various strategies and ways of thinking. Each time I presented a proposal to him, he knew somehow to push me to do something better than the bare minimum. Sometimes that frustrated me, or stressed me out because of class load, but I learned a lot from that. He was also open in communication about his own education and his pursuits, which were inspiring.

The greatest learning experience I’ve had so far, started when the pandemic initially hit. Initially, being at UO, I didn’t think I’d become as tech savvy as I am now. There is still a lot I need to explore and learn. However, learning online presented a challenge I never wanted in my life, which was taking online class. But I buckled up and persevered, and actually have developed a lot of skills and determination that help me build confidence in front of a screen.

My greatest hopes are to use everything I have learned at the College of Design to pursue being an artist in the “real” world, and to see where that takes me. I also have ambitions to participate in a collaborative gallery and /or be featured in my own gallery. But lately I’ve been thinking that I might pursue an MFA after graduation to continue honing my skills and studies.

This award really helps dampen the financial stress of school to allow me to focus fully on my art making and learning experience.

Thank you so much. I’m so grateful to be a recipient of your award, I hope to make you proud.

* This self portrait, tilted “Of Many Fabrics,” allowed me to explore the many attributes of myself while I was taking a Norther Renaissance Art History course. Laden with symbolism, the photo represents the education of my life, my gardening outdoorsy lifestyle, being married, my previous history as a wildland firefighter, and my favorite color.