Donavan Carlson

This is a photo of me with my brother (middle) and sister (right) last summer at Bryce Canyon National Park.

Degree: Bachelor of Architecture, minor in Planning, Public Policy, and Management

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

2023 Scholarships
Baird Family Scholarship
Opsis Architecture Scholarship
Penny and Michael Wilkes Architecture Student Scholarship

I Am Originally From Eugene, OR

I chose the University of Oregon because I grew up in Eugene and I wanted to be more engage in the community I had already been apart of. I wanted to deepen my connections to the city and its people, and it also helped that they had the exact program I wanted. I had heard that the architecture program at UO was one of the best on the West Coast and had met people that had told me to consider pursuing architcture based on my interests in cities and art. I am confident in saying that it is a perfect fit for me, especially because of the university’s focus on sustainability relative to other colleges.

I chose architecture because I am passionate about design and sustainability and wanted to know more about how I can use my artistic and creative abilities and utilize them to make the world a better place. Visiting different cities around the U.S. as a kid, I always took note of their strengths, issues and varying personalities. I became passionate about their design and would often look at maps and browse Wikipedia to learn more about them, so it was only natural that I chose architecture to pursue these interests. I wanted to learn how to make more sustainable human environments and promote design which supports the least fortunate among us.

I was disgnosed with Type One Diabetes at the age of two. Because of this, I deal with the unique struggles and opportunities which come with an autoimmune disease like this on a daily basis. I have learned well to manage my blood sugars, live a lifestyle which promotes healthy living, and navigate the specific corporate and financial hurdles which provide me my supplies and insulin, but it is an extra responsibilty that many do not have and I feel many also have a hard time understanding the implications. Nonetheless, I am proud of my care for myself and I hope to be able to help people to understand what it is to live with a disease like Diabetes and how to deal with the often complex social and economic systems which determine its care.

The most influential professor I have had so far is professor James Givens. He taught my introductory architecture course during my freshman year in fall 2020, and was a major force in making me fully recognize my love for architecture. Although the class was online and in a series of pre-recorded videos, his passion for art and architecture rubbed off on me and helped me realize that I had chosen the correct path for myself. He provided me the base of architectural knowledge and principles that I continue to use today and see myself using for a long time. I was also assigned to be in his introductory design studio in fall 2022 in which his guidance and feedback of my work influenced me greatly.

Other faculty I would like to thank for their guidance and influence as my studio professors are Erin Moore, Tim Hilton, Siobhan Rockcastle, and Tom Hahn. Additionally, I would like to thank professor Yizhao Yang from the PPPM program for helping me recognize my related passion for city design on a broader scale and the political forces behind their formation.

I am not currently, but I plan to join AIAS, the American Institute of Architecture Students, this year. I would like to join to support other students by helping to provide them services and materials, as well as benefit from the connections I make in the group through networking opportunities. Aside from this, I work as a student shift leader in the Central Kitchen at the university, which also allows me to meet and serve others in the community.

I would have to say that the greatest lesson I have had to learn so far is the importance of networking, a skill I am still trying to harness. In my search for architectural internships earlier this year, I have made a few key connections with different licensed architects and, of course, my professors. However, despite the connections I made at a school internship fair and elsewhere, my efforts were simply not enough for me to secure an internship and I missed out on that professional exerience, for now, at least. One fact of life that has been made clear to me through this experience and in conversations with others, is that jobs in architecture are obtained through knowing the right connections at the right time and taking the leap to secure those opportunities for yourself. My freshman year, I would have been terrified to speak with a licensed architect about job opportunities, but over time I have learned the skills necessary to do this and have made the mistakes necessary to succeed the next time. Hopefully with these skills and the lessons I have learned, I will be able to take the leap and secure an invaluable internship this next summer.

After graduation, I would like to use my education to serve different communities. I plan to have enough internship experience by the time I finish my degree so that I can go right into working for an architecture firm. Specifically, I want to work for a firm that intentionally designs for low-income communities and that has the best interests of our communities and our environment in mind. Although I love Eugene and have called it home my entire life, I also hope to live in a bigger city so that I can have some new experiences. Eventually, I would like to go through the process of becoming an officially licensed architect and one day open my own business. Wherever these aspirations take me, I will strive to contribute somewhere where my work makes a tangible positive difference.

Plain and simple, the scholarships I have recieved have allowed me to continue my education and I cannot be more grateful. As someone who pays for my education entirely on my own, I am always looking for ways to support myself. I am currently working around 20 hours a week when school is in session to afford it without taking out too many unnecessary loans, and because of the generosity of donors, I can happily say that my out-of-pocket costs for the term will be covered and I will be able to focus my full attention on my education for the term.

Genuinely, thank you so much. It is sometimes a struggle to afford to pay for my education, and the generosity that has been shown to me has eased my worries. The moment when I recieved the email notifying me of the scholarship is surely one to remember. It felt exciting, relieving and gratifying to know that others had my back as I continue my education and make the most of my college experience. Know that your financial help enables us to pursue our dreams and inspires us. Thank you!