Brooke Brady

This is a photo of me working in studio on my drafting board—so many hours spent like this!

Degree: MArch

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

Previous Degree: BA, Biology and Environmental Policy and Analysis, Boston University, Boston, MA

I’m From: Royal Oak, MI

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I feel extremely fortunate that I moved to Oregon to start a new chapter in my life. After moving here, I decided to change careers and pursue my dream of being an architect. Coincidentally, I then discovered that I had moved  within two hours of a top rated school that, most importantly, shared my strong belief in sustainability. I’ve completed my first year of my graduate program and am extremely pleased to report that sustainability is well-integrated and emphasized throughout the curriculum.  I’m also really enjoying how inter-related and thoughtful the curriculum is.

After working for ten years in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), I decided to follow a life-long, un-pursued passion for architecture. I’m excited to utilize my background in safety and sustainability in the field of architecture, where these pursuits are needed more than ever.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
Architecture will be my second career. As an EHS professional I gained a lot of experience with lab safety, lab design, and some of the regulations/codes that govern facility design. When I lived in Boston, I fixed up a 1920s Dutch Colonial over the course of five years, doing a significant amount of work with my husband.  I learned first hand about building construction, contractor management, material options and characteristics, and design composition. This hands on experience gave me a great baseline knowledge.

My Influential Professors
I’ve already had numerous really influential professors for different reasons. Stephen Duff really helped me work through my design process and ability to recognize a good idea; Don Corner helped me with program and communication of intent; and Juli Brode helped me with my design voice and creativity. I’ve really appreciated getting different design perspectives and have enjoyed being able to focus on different things throughout my first year.

My Extracurricular Activities
Currently I am not participating in campus-based extracurricular activities. I live in Bend and commute to Eugene, which makes participation in on-campus activities a challenge. I was in an A Capella group in undergrad, though, and still sing/perform casually for small groups. I’m also working with a jeweler when I am not in class—I enjoy working with different media and employing creativity at different scales.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
During my Fall term studio with Stephen Duff,  I learned about processes and what works best for me when faced with a design problem.

After Graduation
In addition to being able to design sustainable/green buildings, I strive to make an impact with social equity and accessible/affordable housing as well. My grandmother was a psychologist who had a non-profit that made mental health care/counseling accessible for low-income patients.  She charged people what they could afford without altering the care they were provided. I’m inspired by this model and hope to have a similar impact in my career as an architect.

Your Gift
This scholarship means I’ll have to take on less student loan debt which ultimately means I’ll pay off debt sooner and can start making decisions that are in line with my career goals earlier in my architectural career. I also really appreciate the recognition—I’ve worked tirelessly over the past year to get as much out of my education as I could and to, hopefully, chip away at the financial burden that graduate school brings.  It’s really inspiring to feel like my hard work has been acknowledged and appreciated.

If I could meet the Andrews in person, I would love to discuss the architecture program and my future plans in person with them. I’d hope to discuss just how passionately I feel about architecture and my goals for the future. Thank you for your assistance in making my continued education feasible for me and others at UO. You chose a great school/program to support and are helping to ease the financial burden faced by some really passionate, talented students who intend to change the built world for the better.