Aung Ye Pang

This is a photo of me with my Fulbright t-shirt, taken in August 2020 in my home country, Myanmar.

MS Historic Preservation

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

Previous Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Architecture, Bachelor of Architecture, West Yangon Technological University, Yangon, Myanmar

I’m From: Yangon, Myanmar

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
The historic preservation program offered by the University of Oregon is unique because it is based in the city of Portland. Here in Portland the concept of preservation and adaptive reuse architecture projects has really flourished. The program is also known for its experimental and hands on preservation approach rather than conceptual. I am dedicated to integrate my experience on preservation with the guidance of the professors in my department.

I have always been fascinated by the subject of conservation and preservation since I was studying for my  bachelors in Myanmar. Myanmar and the city of Yangon have a lot of historical assets especially the built heritage which have been neglected for many decades. I believe the places without historical value holds no identity and uniqueness. Having said that, I find it is important for a young architecture professional to step up and fill the gap in this sector for Myanmar.

I am thrilled to learn and work with Professor Chad Randl. Some of his publication and especially his narrative in the book called,”A-frame,” caught my interest while I had been researching about different universities. I was fascinated to learn that he dug up the uncherished A-frame houses in USA and cleverly demonstrates the merits and their significance through his research and book. I also shared similar passion with him in the aspect of the lost Myanmar vernacular architecture and I believe he could guide me to illustrate my curiosity.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
Previously, I had worked as a freelance journalist in Myanmar for two years and touched on the numerous complex subjects such as drug trafficking, ethnic issues, land disputes and so on. After that, I started a full time position  for three and a half years at a local social enterprise working on the architecture historic preservation and placemaking in Yangon. I began with the projects which turned alley ways full of trash into beautiful alley gardens for the community. Then, I became the project lead for the architectural restoration projects and was put in charge of business proposal, design, project management to completion.

Extracurricular Activities I Want to Pursue
During my bachelors degree, I served as an editor for the association of architecture students at my school. Because of this,  I immensely appreciate and understand the value of what these organizations can bring to students not only for the studies but also for individual development. One of the most important aspects of historic preservation is to understand the cultural values of the place and people involved. I am willing to join both relevant student organizations affiliated with the Portland campus and the community service in the city. I strongly believe that these experiences can give me more in-depth understanding around the culture and value of the places.

After Graduation
I will make the best use of the experience I gained through this study and justify the investment made in me by raising consciousness about historic preservation and new social changes, and bring back this expertise for the benefit of my country. I am quite excited to be a part of the UO community and that the lasting relations I will build during my graduate studies will contribute to an increased exchange of ideas between my country and those of my fellow students. Since there are very few local experts in this field, I would like to share the knowledge and experience to other local members engaged in preservation and enhance human resources by organizing workshops and writing articles.

Your Gift
This scholarship is allowing me to attend the University of Oregon to pursue the Historic Preservation program. My long term ambition is to lead a comprehensive nationwide agenda to preserve heritage structures in every region of Myanmar. Moreover, I want to revamp the heritage policy and work as a policy advocate in historic preservation and this scholarship is going to be a part of the catalyst of making my dream into reality.

Thank you for this scholarship! Not only will it benefit me individually, but this is also a huge contribution for the Myanmar historic preservation sector because this opportunity will help me to become a certified architect to accomplish my goal to save the remaining historic built heritage in Myanmar.