Anupam Satumane

This is a phot of me with my dear Professors and PhD friends at a Potluck dinner organized by Prof. Alison Kwok. This dinner is a cherished memory of mine as it was the first time I got to meet everyone again after the pandemic. I can be seen on the far end of the table wearing a blue hoodie and holding a beverage.

Degree: PhD in Architecture

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2024

Prior Degree
Bachelor of Architecture, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
MS in Sustainable Architecture, University of Texas, San Antonio

2023 Scholarships
Anthony Wong Scholarship for Research in Sustainable Design
Glumac Graduate Research Fellowship

I Am Originally From Bengaluru, India

As a prospective PhD student looking for a school that specializes in sustainability and values architectural education, the University of Oregon was a natural fit. The ability to conduct research in one of the many specialized research labs while collaborating and learning from field experts was one of the biggest factors that inspired me to join UO. What I like most about the College of Design is getting to be a part of a tight knit community of educators, researchers and students that are all working together to push the envelope in sustainable architecture and design. It is very rewarding to work with peers who share the same level of enthusiasm for technology, innovation, education and knowledge.

I have always been fascinated by design, technology and buildings. As a child, I would voraciously consume books, documentaries and articles on iconic buildings and the way they were constructed. The decisive moment came on my first visit to Singapore where the tall skyscrapers, landscaped urban spaces, and tree-lined promenades along the ocean captivated my impressionable young mind. I knew then that I wanted to design buildings and urban spaces and decided to be an architect.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, I had the opportunity of working with a diverse multi-national design team. On the job I developed valuable skills such as time management, clear communication, problem-solving, and decision making while working with an international team of professionals. It was during this time I realized the potential of using design optimization and sustainable design practices to reduce the impacts of the energy and resource-intensive building industry on the environment, inspiring me to go back to school to specialize in sustainability.

At the University of Texas, I was fortunate to work with eminent professors in the field of sustainable architecture who each had their unique approaches to sustainability. Through them, I was introduced to research and understood the significance of research in the pursuit of knowledge.

After graduating with a master’s degree, I wanted to pursue research in the field of sustainability and applied to the Ph.D. program at the University of Oregon. The Ph.D. program at UO offered the opportunity for me to work with experts in the field of research and design in the Institute for Health in the Built Environment (IHBE). The IHBE lab brings together researchers from academia and industry to collaborate on interdisciplinary research projects with real-world application, making it the ideal place for me to pursue my research interests.

I have had many influential professors during my academic journey. Each of them playing a critical role in my development as a student, researcher, and aspiring academician. Prof. Jae Yeong Suk my advisor at the University of Texas played a pivotal role in acclimating me to the American education system and introduced me to research in architecture and my first independently driven research project.

At UO I have had the opportunity to work with many incredible professors, but the two who have inspired me the most are Prof. Siobhan Rockcastle and Prof. Alison Kwok, both playing critical roles in my development as a researcher and an aspiring academician. As my PhD advisor, Prof. Rockcastle has been the ‘guardrails’ on my research path providing much needed guidance and direction to my research interests. She leads by example and her work is innovative, impactful and very well received by the industry. She has been instrumental in my development as a researcher and motivates me to do my best work.

Prof. Alison Kwok has been a mentor to me before I joined UO as a PhD student. It was her guidance and advice that helped me take key decisions at a critical junction in my career, after which I have never looked back. Prof. Kwok has been the ‘guardrails’ on my teaching path, providing guidance and constructive criticism to improve my teaching skills. I have had the opportunity to closely work with her and learn from her excellent teaching, organizing and interpersonal relationship skills as a Graduate Employee, teaching the Environmental Control Systems. The lessons learnt from all my mentors have been invaluable and continue to guide me on my journey ahead.

I have been a part of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE “ducts” student branch) from the first year of my PhD till the end of the third year. Additionally, I also served as an ASHRAE student officer in the role of ‘Treasurer’ (2019-2022). As ASHRAE we organized and successfully conducting activities designed to develop interest in the field of HVAC&R field among the students of University of Oregon. I also serve as the ‘PhD student representative’ on the PhD committee. During my free time, I love spending time outdoors hiking, camping, kayaking and paddle-boarding. I also play tennis, swim and go biking as a hobby. Having extracurricular engagements and participating in outdoor activities is very important to me as it helps create a work-life balance which is essential for psychological and physiological health and  promotes well being.

The greatest learning experience at UO I have had so far are a result of my teaching experience here. I have learnt more from my students than from any individual course that I have taken as a student. I have also found that the learning experience for each student is unique and as an educator it is important to identify and cater to all the diverse learning requirements.

Upon completion of my doctoral program, I plan to pursue a career in education and research. I am passionate about teaching and would use my position as an educator to promote research and academic inquiry. The joy of sharing knowledge and having the opportunity to play a significant role in the development of society is what inspires me to take up a career in teaching.

I am honored to be receiving the Glumac Graduate Research Fellowship and the Anthony Wong Travel Scholarship. These scholarships are critical for me as a 4th year PhD student. They support my graduate research and the Anthony Wong Travel Scholarship, in particular, supported travel expenses to the ARCC 2023 International Conference in Dallas where I presented my peer reviewed paper titled “Impacts of Space function and Window View on Perceived Indoor Environment Quality and Privacy.” The scholarship is critical for me as it removes financial barriers that would have severely limited my ability to present my paper in this conference and get the valuable feedback from the industry needed for me to progress in education. By supporting my attendance in this conference, the scholarship also  opens up opportunities for me to network with academicians, industry experts and peers with the potential of developing interdisciplinary research collaborations with sustainable goals. As my research focuses on understanding human behavior in the built environment and using those finding to inform the design community, this scholarship is also supporting sustainable design. Participating in such conferences also gives me an opportunity to get valuable feed back on the sustainable research methods I am developing using virtual reality and explore its potential fully.

Thank you for your philanthropy and thoughtfulness for making this scholarship happen. This scholarship has helped numerous students like me to further their academic goals by removing financial barriers that would have prevented their participation in academic events. Your altruistic actions and the positive change it has made to my life is inspirational and I aspire to do the same in the future. Once again I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for making this scholarship possible.