By: Candace Johnson
- Johanna Larson Phone: (541) 346-2375
Jo Larson is an American Sign Language instructor at the University of Oregon. She is a passionate advocate for the Deaf community as well as a former ASL interpreter. Having been raised by Deaf parents, Jo’s capacity to understand and connect with people within the Deaf community is outstanding. I believe that her knowledge and experience will lend itself well in working to explain the importance of Deaf involvement and inclusion at the UO.
- Linda Morton (541)-346-2480
Linda Morton is an American Sign Language Lab instructor for the ASL 100 level series. She is Deaf and she works with Jo Larson in order to provide students with knowledge about the Deaf Culture. Linda recognizes herself as a member of the Deaf Community. I am interested in learning more about her experiences as a Deaf individual and faculty member at the UO.
- Valentino Vasquez (541)-346-2480
Valentino Vasquez is a full time American Sign Language instructor at the University of Oregon who teaches the 200 level series. He was born Deaf and he communicates by using ASL. As a Deaf faculty member he has a lot to say about his experiences working for the UO. I look forward to hearing his perspective.
- Hilary Gerdes (541) 346-1155
Hillary Gerdes is the senior director of the Accessible Education Center. Her work allows her the opportunity of providing and establishing efficient services for students and faculty with disabilities on campus. I am interested in discovering whether or not she and her colleagues are currently working on improving the services for Deaf individuals.
- Dylan A Geil (541) 346-5052
Dylan Geil is an International graduate student at the University of Oregon. He is an American Sign Language interpreter and he has gained recent experience interpreting for UO events. I am interested to hear his take on the university’s ability to allocate services for Deaf students and faculty.
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