Lowering sea levels and water diversion
The current drastic lowering of the sea levels at the Dead Sea are attributed to water extraction and diversion.
Water diversion plans have happened across the Jordan River for decades. The areas has scarce water resources, and diversion plans often have a political agenda. For example, in 1964 the Arab League drafted and approved the Headwater Diversion Plan, which called to divert water from the Jordan River to prevent it from entering the Sea of Galilee. However, Israel prevented the plan from occuring by conducting airstrikes in Syria in 1967. The diversion plan is considered by some to be a “hidden factor” in the Six Day War of 1967. This example showcases how water rights becomes a form of climate politics and can have larger geopolitical implications. Jordan, has signed a peace treaty with Israel, in which water cooperation played an important role.
Today, water is diverted from entering the Dead Sea through the Jordan River by Israel, Jordan and Syria. The water is often used for agriculture or other purposes. Since the 1960’s, Jordan and Israel have diverted the Jordan River’s water from entering the Dead Sea. Water diversion is considered to be responsible for 25% of water loss.
Water extraction is an additional issue in the area. Jordan and Israel have both extracted water for commercial purposes. For example, Potash is a natural fertilizer found in and extracted from the Dead Sea. Water extraction has led to a sharp decrease of the Dead Sea’s volume. Today the Dead Sea drops by approximately 3ft each year.
Dead Sea Works factory on an Israeli Dead Sea beach. (Issac Harari, 2018)
Lowering sea levels have led to the northern and southern basins of the Dead Sea to separate.Each basin had always had slightly different characteristics. For example, the northern basin reached a depth of 1300ft, while the Southern basin only reached about 10 ft of depth. However, it wasn’t until recent changes to the lake’s sea levels that the two basins became separated by a landmass in the middle. Today, the Northern basin is the only “true” Dead Sea, as it has water feeding from the Jordan River.
Lowering sea levels have also led to sinkholes across the area surrounding the Dead Sea. The first sinkhole was found in the 1980’s. Today, there are about 6000-8000 sinkholes along the Dead Sea coastline. Each year, approximately 400 new sinkholes appear.
Sinkhole outside of Ein Gedi, Israel. (Menahem Kahana, 2021)
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