David Kinkennon – AAD Portfolio

Performing Arts Management, Nonprofit Management

David Kinkennon – AAD Portfolio

Archives for learning objectives

Marketing, Media, and Communications Learning Objectives

1. Implement typography elements to communicate through arts marketing pieces.

2. Create logos that demonstrate sound design principles.

3. Target arts marketing communications based on relevant audience data.

4. Develop skills in various design and image manipulation on industry-standard software platforms.

5. Evaluate branding and marketing materials for an arts organization.

Art in Society – Personal Learning Objectives

1. Identify multiple ways in which members of society interact with or participate, intentionally or otherwise, in Art.

2. Explore with depth, a form of art practice unfamiliar to me.

3. Discuss an arts-related topic with someone outside of class on a weekly basis to gauge my level of understanding.

4. Participate in an art project related to a topic from the course.

5. Estimate the value society places in Art.

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