For the past seven weeks, CINE 345 has primarily focused on female stars. As a marginalized group of people, female stars have often shifted cultural views in society, which is why they’re so interesting to explore. However, that’s not to say that males haven’t done the same. One of the most interesting male stars is …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Bette Davis – Talent is all you need
Bette Davis is one of the most well known film stars of the 20th century. With multiple prestigious awards and accolades, Bette Davis has the material to back up her accomplishments. However, unlike other female stars, Davis’ path to stardom was possible through her praise, rather than her actions. Bette Davis has an extraordinary career, …
Marlene Dietrich – From Femme Fatale to a Movie Star
Since the beginning of major film productions, the general public has shown interest in actors/actresses beyond the movie script. As Hollywood was establishing itself, so was the birth of stardom we know of today. One of the earliest movie stars is Marlene Dietrich. Starring in films such as Morocco, Dietrich was able to captivate an …
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Marilyn Monroe – Turning Criticisms into Stardom
Without a doubt, one of the most iconic figures to this day is Marilyn Monroe. Nearly 60 years after her death, she remains as one of the most important icons from the 20th century who’s still relevant today. While Monroe isn’t recognized as much for her acting, it’s her image that continues to thrive in …
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