Reflction: Looking Back
Group projects are challenging assignments. They require more than just an individual’s skills; they need team work, collaboration and cooperation. As we decided our roles in the group, Whitney as editor, Jaejin as designer/photographer, and Chuning as videographer, we were able to focus on individual parts of the multimedia project. However, we also did a lot of collaboration by overlapping responsibilities and helping each other out. Both Chuning and Jaejin took photos of Levi in his church. All three of us were present when we interviewed Levi and his family so to allow a free flow of questions to come up spontaneously. This helped us to have a variety of questions to ask and a broader spectrum of information to work with. Other than learning about the technology, we learned how to conduct interviews. Having conducted so many in a short time, we gained ample experience. We also benefitted by learning time management skills and how to work together as a team. While we looked back, we realized that we could have done better if we had understood the materials sooner. We all had some trouble trying to understand the instructions, and it led us to some frustration from the start. For example, Jaejin thought that the interview for Q&A section was limited to the people who knew Levi as opposed to those who are simply related to music ministry. Time was another factor that got the whole group flustered. We went to Levi’s church during the services on the weekend, which limited our time to gather content. With a limited amount of time, we all quickly managed the pressure and used our skills on this project. Instead of dreading the thought of working together, we embraced the support of our teammates and put forth our best efforts to completion.
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