

Chuning Zhang

Chuning Zhang is a Chinese student studying at University of Oregon in Journalism major and music minor. Her interested are in history and culture, which make her choosing pipe organ as her musical instrument. It helped her to decide to be a journalist in the field of humanities.

Whitney Davis

Whitney Davis is a senior year student at University of Oregon, majoring in Journalism. she has experiences in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. she enjoys learning new skills and currently improving skills in other programs. she has an inner drive to create and self-motivated to do the best that she can do.

Jaejin Lee

Originally from South Korea, also lived in the United Kingdom and the United States, Jaejin Lee is a student at University of Oregon majoring advertising. His interests are photography, storytelling and traveling. He has been working as a photographer for the last 10 years, he truly believes that every photography has a story to tell and it is a speechless invitation from the photographer who witness the moment. He hopes to be able to use his photography interest with his advertising career in the future.