The New Age of Old Gear
The world is full of stuff. Some of this stuff is used every day while the rest of it hides away never to be seen again. Outdoor gear is not always used in your everyday life, yet it can be essential for your survival. Does it need to be the prettiest item in the world if it is meant to keep you alive? No. It is time to start thinking alternatives due to the overproduction and overconsumption of new products on the market. If you can’t seem to get rid of your excess stuff, then the next step may be to buy second-hand or used items if you need a new item of clothing or gear. In regard to outdoor gear, it sometimes is best to buy new. In order to live more sustainably, I recommend striving to buy used gear!
REI’s motto on used gear is “Good gear deserves a second life.” REI provides quality gear for all outdoor enthusiasts.
When gear is returned to REI, thanks to their generous return policy, the slightly used gear is inspected and resold. This cuts back on the production of new items and gives buyers the opportunity to acquire nice gear at a lower price. REI’s used gear program gets more people outside while keeping unnecessary waste out of the landfills. The website lists gear’s original price and new discounted price. Many of the items have dozens of reviews as well.
Arc’teryx designs and distributes high quality outdoor, climbing and winter gear and is based in Canada.
Arc’teryx says that “We build our gear to last the tests of time. If you’re not using your jacket to the fullest, we will find someone who will.”
The company will take back returned gear and resell it on their website. The company is dedicated to getting the most out of their products by building them to last through all weather conditions and giving others the opportunity to re-use quality gear.
The North Face is an outdoor recreation product company. The North Face’s used gear program, NF: Renewed, is dedicated to “Waste Less. Explore More.”
They have options for everyone from kids to adults in the used clothing section. The repaired items that the company will resell goes through a thorough eight step process to make the product appear and function as if it was brand new. The company offers a one year warranty on these products. The company strives to provide the best possible products even if the product was previously owned.
Used Gear is Changing the Outdoors
Buying used gear saves you money and is good for the environment. You can buy higher quality items that you might not otherwise buy full price. Older gear also has more reviews which it makes it easier to make the right decision.