Ethan Stuckmayer RARE AmeriCorps Resource Assistance for Rural EnvironmentsMeet Ethan Stuckmayer

Ethan received his Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies with a minor in Economics from the University of Minnesota. Ethan worked as the Community Development Coordinator for Beltrami Neighborhood Council, where he implemented projects and programs to get community members involved in bettering their neighborhood. Ethan hopes that the RARE AmeriCorps Program will allow him to obtain the knowledge, skills, and experience that he needs to build a solid foundation for achieving success. After his year with the RARE program, Ethan plans to obtain a Master’s degree related to the field of planning.

About Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments

The Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG) is a voluntary association of over 40 local governments. Members include Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties, 31 cities, 7 special districts, and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. The MWVCOG’s purposes include pooling local resources to achieve efficiency and economy and to join together to address issues of common concern. Member services include economic and community development, transportation systems planning, SBA loans, GIS, mapping and census services and local government capacity-building services.

Placed with MWCOG, Ethan will work with the rural communities of Donald and Gervais in updating components of economic and housing needs components for  their comprehensive plans. Ethan will assist with a buildable land inventories for  residential and employment lands; assist with preparation of an economic opportunities analysis (EOA) and housing needs analysis, conduct community/public outreach and provide support to the city manager and COG planners, as needed. He will assist with drafting a comprehensive plan and development code update recommendations resulting from the data analysis and reports.Ethan will also serve as a contact on the project to city staff, the community, and to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD).

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