RARE AmeriCorps Members Make a HUGE Difference in the State of Oregon!
RARE completed its 18th year in 2011 – 2012. Our 28 participants served in communities across the State of Oregon. Collectively, our participants organized over 2,626 community volunteers for a total of almost 9,261 additional service hours in their communities. RARE participants leveraged another $1,756,932 in grant funding for community specific projects, with $1,262,619 still pending. Here are some more numbers from 2011 – 2012…
- Completed over 200 projects
- Developed 54 online planning documents/resources
- Designed 13 websites
- Developed 10 databases
- Generated 251 outreach materials or publications
- Created 49 maps
- Conducted 36 assessments/studies
Are you interested in making a difference in Rural Oregon?
More on RARE
More on Planning, Public Policy and Management at the University of Oregon.
Now accepting applications. Applications must be received by April 26, 2013. Apply Now!