Klamath Hall B020 and BH006 Water Intrusion Notification 5/14/24

In the past weeks, a clean steam slow leak resulted in building finish impacts in Klamath Hall B020 and the adjacent hallway. Impacts were substantial and were wet for an extended period of time. This led to the decision to demolish and replace affected materials. All demolition and new finish installation will be complete from within a negative pressure enclosure for dust control purposes. The hallway will remain open. Users of the Klamath Hall basement should expect to see activity and hear some noise associated with the work. We anticipate completion by the end of next week. Please do not tamper with the containment or air handling equipment. It is intended to keep construction dust out of adjacent lab spaces. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685