Gallery Walk EWEB Work Advisory 6/29/20 – Approx. 1 month

UPDATE 7/13/20: EWEB will be continuing to work in Gallery Walk over the next three weeks. They are now to the point in which they will be impacting the intersection identified in the picture below. This will be an impact regarding both access to CPFM and other building in the area as well as the parking lot in this area. This impact will likely be taking place for the next 10-14 days.






Name Correction:  This lane is called Gallery Walk.

Begin:  Monday, June 29th, 2020

End:      Approximately Friday, July 31st, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted:  Gallery Walk

Scope:  EWEB will begin underground utility work in Gallery Walk, starting at the south end, between the footbridge over the Millrace and the drive isle, to the south of ZIRC. Once this area is finished, they will continue to move north until they have completed their work to the north of the railroad tracks. The overall project will take approximately one month. This schedule will be dependent upon obstacles they run into underground.

Services Impacted:

  • There will be periods of time that vehicular traffic will be restricted through this area as they do their work.
  • EWEB has committed to leaving the area open to bikes and pedestrians.

Extra Notes:  See attached image of the area being impacted.

Work Performed By:   EWEB

ContactDarin Dehle, CPFM Director Capital Construction, 541-346-2282