Science Buildings Access Adjustment 12/26/19 – 1/6/20


Due to the proximity of Allen Hall to the Science Complex, Allen Hall is also locked and is only accessible using your UO ID card.


Due to the building access restrictions in the Science Complex, deliveries may be impacted. If possible, units expecting deliveries are asked to work directly with the vendor to arrange to meet the delivery. If that is not possible, Printing & Mailing Services has contacted FedEx and UPS and let them know that if they can’t access the delivery location, then packages can be delivered to the Baker Building. Printing & Mailing will then email the recipient department. Packages can then be delivered with normal campus mail or the department can go and pick up the package directly at the Baker Building. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility through this temporary access restriction.

Begin:  Thursday, December 26th, 2019 – effective immediately

End:      Monday, January 6th, 2020 at 7:00 am

Buildings Impacted:  Science Buildings – Lawrence, Allen, Pacific, Columbia, Cascade, Cascade Annex, Onyx Bridge, Volcanology, Price Science Commons (PSC), Klamath, Willamette, Streisinger, Huestis, Lokey Labs (CAMCOR), Lewis Integrative Science Building (LISB), and Deschutes.

Scope:  Buildings will be locked 24/7 due to recent security concerns.

Services Impacted:  Buildings will only be accessible using your UO ID card.

Extra Notes:  PSC will have a sign/phone number posted in the entryway directing public users to call for access.

ContactWork Control Center  346-2319