Facilities Liaisons,
CPFM Utilities and Energy needs to replace a 16″ steam valve on the Columbia crossover steam line in the tunnel that services Pacific Hall, Columbia Hall, Cascade Hall, Volcanology and the new construction side of EMU.
The shutdown includes 60 psi treated steam only and will impact heat, hot water, and autoclaves that use this utility.
Advance notifications were sent out in May and June. Utilities and Energy have coordinated the following dates/times:
Friday, July 26, crews will shut down the 60 psi steam to the affected buildings by 4:00 pm.
Sat-Sun, July 27 – 28, The contractor will replace the large 16-inch steam valve.
Monday, July 29, crews will begin slowly warming steam piping at 8:00 am and return to normal 60 psi steam service by noon.
For questions or concerns please CPFM Utilities Maintenance Manager Kyle Wilson at 541-346-2246.