Deskside Recycling Bins Available for Offices

Facilities Liaisons,

After performing a campus inventory, it was observed that many offices do not have recycling deskside collection. If anyone in your building or department is interested in a deskside recycling bin, as the Facilities Liaison, please enter a service request at:
or email Work Control at

Information to include in the request:
-How many are wanted
-Where you would like the bins delivered to be dispersed by the Liaison

Tip: It is the responsibility of each user to centralize recycling to the hallway zero waste stations/sites.

Thanks for your efforts on Zero Waste, turning waste into resources.

Karyn Kaplan
Zero Waste Program Manager
UO Zero Waste Program
CPFM Facilities Services Zero Waste Program
1276 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276