Additional Update: The current ADA route from the east end of Lillis and Anstett Halls will be blocked starting tomorrow, July 20 through August 2, 2018.

Refer to the map for an alternate ADA route through Lillis Hall.  Signs will be posted at the two affected exits and around the construction work zone.


As part of the Tykeson Hall project, two covered bike structures will be placed in the landscaped bed between Anstett, Fenton and Lillis Halls. Access will continue to be routed around the fenced area.

The Schedule is as follows:

Set Fencing July 18.
Saw cutting July 19.
Demo sidewalk and excavate footings July 25.
Form and pour footings July 26 – 30.
Form and pour flatwork August 1 – 5.
Set relocated shelter in place August 6.
Irrigation repair.
Paint shelter.
Fence removed and project complete by August 24.

For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Martina Oxoby at 541-346-5880

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2018/07/Lillis-Site-map_ADA-reroute-25q1f57.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]