Distraction Blog 6: The desire to sleep

After three weeks of endless midterms, sleep has been difficult to come by. I’ve been telling myself all week that I wanted to clean my room and really get on top of all of my schoolwork, but I’ve been extremely exhausted.   I found my desire to sleep distracted me from the goals I had set this past week.  Instead of doing homework at night I would allow myself to relax and sleep.  However, this earlier bed time meant I would wake up at 6 or 7 every morning to do the homework I had put off the previous night.  I don’t know if this was overall helping me catch up on missed sleep or just giving my brain an emotionally break before I threw myself back into my responsibilities.

This distraction of wanting to sleep has led me to discover that I am ten times more productive in the morning when no one is awake.  This increase in productivity could also come from the fact that none of my roommates are up that early and they may distract me more than I think they do.  Early mornings are a peaceful time where I can curl up in a blanket on my couch and actually focus on the tasks in front of me.  It eliminates the possibility of the distraction of roommates, as well as texts, social media updates, and tv.  The only distraction I do occasionally experience in hunger, but that usually comes an hour or so into my work, which I don’t mind.  It also forces me to eat breakfast, which I am normally not great at.  I’ve never been a morning person and I wouldn’t say I’m completely a fan yet, but when I need to get things done, mornings are an easier time to eliminate a majority of the distractions I experience on a daily basis.

One thought on “Distraction Blog 6: The desire to sleep”

  1. I can totally relate to sleep being a large distraction. Especially when your eyelids are shutting while trying to finish a reading. It’s hard because drinking coffee when your exhausted is the last thing your body is telling you to do. And trying to wake up to finish homework is also something my body tells me not to do.

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