Distraction Blog 9: Daylight Savings

Every since daylight savings it has been getting dark too early for my liking.  I’ve come to realize that if I’m not in the library before it gets dark, then I have zero motivation to go.  Once the sun goes down my internal clock tells me that I need to be in my house and I become overwhelmed with exhaustion.  I always tell myself that I will go home and do homework or study on my  couch, but with the distraction of my roommates and my desire to hear about their days makes productive work difficult.  I wish that I was capable of being productive after the sun goes down, but I still struggle daily.

I think the reason I don’t deal with the lack of light well during this time of year is because I’m from a sunny area.  In Los Angeles it is sunny almost all year round and I only need to wear a sweatshirt when it gets cold.  In addition, the lack of sun has made me quite pale, which sounds like a silly thing to let bother me, but it does.  I can tan extremely easily and seeing myself so plane is something I don’t think I will ever get used to.  I could go tanning,  but I feel like I’ve done enough damage to my skin throughout the years, that a tanning bed is a terrible idea and I’m scared I’ll turn orange from a spray tan.  I experience these thoughts yearly, but for some reason how early it gets dark is bothering me way more than it ever has.  I need to stop letting all these little details get to me and find the motivation to brace the cold and get to the library.  Once I’m there and I can’t see out a window, I will be fine, but its the actual act of walking the five blocks to get there.  I should just suck it up and do it so I don’t sink into a weather depression during winter.

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