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Friday, October 17 – Knight Library Browsing Room

10:00-11:30 AM: Panel One: The Human Sciences in Colonial Context

  • Inder Marwah (McMaster University), “Re-thinking Resistance: Darwin, Spencer and The Indian Sociologist
  • Megan Thomas (University of California – Santa Cruz), “Impurity in Translation: Late Nineteenth-Century French and Filipino Appropriations of Lamarck”
  • Discussant Comments, Lindsay Braun (University of Oregon)

12:00-1:20 PM: First Keynote Speaker:

  • Lynn Zastoupil (Rhodes College), “Intellectual Flows and Counterflows: Early Nineteenth-Century India, Britain, and Germany”

1:35-3:45: Panel Two: The Master’s Political Tools

  • Jimmy Casas Klausen (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro), “Naïve or Canny Monarchism? Mahatma Phule, Thomas Paine, and Appeals to the Queen”
  • Johnhenry Gonzalez (University of South Florida), “The New World ‘Sans Culottes’: French Revolutionary Ideology in Saint Domingue.”
  • Sankar Muthu (University of Chicago), “Transcontinental Chains and Transformations: On Resistance Against Global Domination in Quobna Ottabah Cugoano’s and Immanuel Kant’s Political Thought”
  • Discussant Comments, Lynn Zastoupil (Rhodes College)
  • Discussant Comments, Sue Peabody (Washington State University-Vancouver)

4:00-5:20: Second Keynote Speaker

  • Bonny Ibhawoh (McMaster University), “’Only the Wealthy and the Wicked Go to the Privy Council’: Colonial Contestations of British Imperial Justice”

Saturday, October 18 – Knight Library Collaboration Center

9:30-11:00 AM: Panel Three: Conscripting the Tools of Critique and Reform

  • Murad Idris (University of Virginia), “Qasim Amin on Colonialism, Progress, and Empire”
  • Yasmeen Daifallah (University of Massachusetts-Amherst), “Marxism as Pedagogy: Abdullah Laroui’s appropriation of the Early Marx”
  • Discussant Comments, Jonathan Katz (Oregon State University)

11:00AM-12:30PM: Closing Roundtable

Generously sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Political Science, the Department of History, the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Romance Languages, the Department of Anthropology, International Studies, African Studies, Asian Studies, Latin American Studies, European Studies, Center for Latina/o and Latin American Studies, and the School of Law.