Endowed Positions/Awards

Sustainability Awards: This award program aims to recognize individuals whose contributions deepen our culture of sustainability across a range of institutional activities.

  • Research Innovation and Impact: This award program aims to recognize individuals whose contributions deepen our culture of sustainability across a range of institutional activities. The OVPRI sponsors 2 of the Sustainability Awards: one for research and scholarship, and one for innovation and impact.
  • Sustainable Campus: This award recognizes an employee or team for the introduction of a sustainability best practice into their department or unit’s day-to-day work or their service to campus. 
  • Excellence in Teaching: This award celebrates faculty who have exhibited excellence in the following two areas:
    • Sustainability – Demonstration of committed engagement with principles of sustainability through course content and student applications to real-world problems or contexts.
    • Pedagogy – Demonstration of teaching excellence through teaching practices that are inclusive, engaged, and research-led.


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